Hyde DNA Project
In the summer of 2012, Dan became interested in testing his DNA to try to determine his Hyde ancestors
in England. Specifically he is investigating the ancestors of Jonathan Hyde (b. 1626 in England; d.
5 Oct. 1711 in Newton, MA). He decided to join the Hyde DNA Project.
Dan's involvement with the Hyde DNA Project
- In July 2012, Dan took a Y-DNA67 test through the
Family Tree DNA company. By the middle of September 2012,
the company had posted his Y-DNA67 test results.
The Hyde DNA Project of Family Tree DNA has a web site at
The Y-DNA results of the Hyde DNA Project are available at http://www.familytreedna.com/public/Hyde/default.aspx?section=yresults
The results are grouped by Haplogroup. Dan is in the R1b1a2 haplogroup.
- In September 2012 Dan resquested Family Tree DNA's "Family Finder" DNA test. Family Tree DNA states
"Family Finder provides
analysis of a person's ethnic percentages and connects them with relatives descended from any of their
ancestral lines from approximately the most recent five to six generations. Because Family Finder uses
autosomal DNA (inherited from both of your parents, your four grandparents, your eight great-grandparents,
etc.), it offers the greatest opportunity to discover your genetic cousins."
Background on Y-DNA Testing
Those who had high school biology will remember that humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes
(for a total of 46 chromosomes). The chromosome pair designated 23 is special and
determines the sex of the individual. When forming the chromosome pair 23, if the individual
receives an X chromosome from the mother and an X chromosome from the
father, the individual is female
If the individual receives an X chromosome from the mother and a Y
chromosome from the father,
the individual is male (XY). The Y chromosome is passed from the father to
the son virtually unchanged.
The Y in Y-DNA testing refers to the Y chromosome passed from a father to a son.
The reason Y-DNA testing is especially useful for genealogy is that the Y chromosome is
passed intact from father to son down through the generations in the same way surnames are
passed in most cultures. Here is a Descendant Chart that shows how male A
passes on his Y-chromosome.
In the above Descendant Chart for ancestor A, he passes on his Y-chromosome to
the males designated in dark blue squares. Note that it's common to represent the males by
squares and the females by circles. For the males B and C, male A is the
most recent common ancestor (MRCA). If males B and C both took Y-DNA
tests, their results would show a close match. Therefore, a family history researcher could
conclude that the two are closely related through a MRCA.
The above diagram is a Pedigree Chart for Henry J. Jackson, Jr. that shows his parents
and grandparents. In a Pedigree Chart, the top most person in each column is a father that
passed on his Y-chromosome to his son all the way to down to the further most person on the
(assuming the person is male). These individuals have been colored in blue in the diagram and
are referred to as the "Y-Chromosome Line." Notice that Y-DNA testing is only useful for
direct male lineal descent
(father to son to grandson, etc.), i.e., the blue colored boxees.
It says nothing about the many descendants through the
female lines.
For example, going back five generations, you have in your Pedigree Chart 64 ancestors
(2 parents,
4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great-great grandparents and 32 great-great-great
grandparents) assuming no cross marriages such as with two first cousins marrying. Assuming
you are male, Y-DNA testing only supplies information about the five direct male
ancestors (your father, his father, his father, etc.) along the Y-Chromosome Line
(the blue boxes in the above Pedigree Chart). A Y-DNA test says nothing about the other 59 ancestors!
However, even with this severe limitation, the Y-DNA test can be useful for genealogy.
For example, a
family history researcher could use it to determine if two branches of a surname share a
common ancestor. The researcher just has to identify a male from each surname branch that
descends through the male lineage back to the common ancestor. Most researchers would
identify two males from each branch in case one individual might have a "hidden" adoption
or an infidelity. Y-DNA tests deal with strictly male blood lines.
The "67" in the Y-DNA67 test refers to the number of markers used in the test. In
genetic genealogy (the name for using genetics for genealogy), DNA labs use completely
different markers from the ones used by the police at crime scenes as seen on CSI and
the ones used by the medical profession for susceptibility to diseases. If one is
considering a
Y-DNA test, he need not worry about the police knocking on his door or about revealing
health issues. Y-DNA tests specific
markers on a male's Y-chromosome known as Short Tandom Repeat, or STR markers. The number
of markers tested by most DNA testing companies can range from a minimum of 12 to as many
as 111, with 67 being commonly considered a useful amount. Having additional markers tested
will generally refine the predictive period in which two individuals are related, helpful
for affirming or disproving a genealogical connection on the direct paternal line. Testing
for more markers increases the cost. Testing for Y-DNA67 currently costs about $250
per individual; however, Family Tree DNA recently had a sale where they charged $200.
Background on mtDNA Testing
In the above Pedigree Chart, a pink arrow labeled mtDNA Line travels down from
Henry J. Jackson, Jr. by the lowest female in each column (colored pink).
Every individual (male and female)
inherits his or her mother's Mitochondria, i.e., organelles outside the nucleus of the
cell that converts food into energy for the cell to live. Males don't pass on their Mitochodria;
only females. These Mitochodria have their own DNA
(called mtDNA) different from the DNA in the 46 chromosomes inside the cell's nucleus.
You can have your mtDNA tested at Family Tree DNA and other companies if you wish.
It's a different
test from a Y-DNA test with its own price (about $160). However, mtDNA testing is of
limited use for
family history. Scientists, especially anthropologists, use mtDNA to
trace the migration patterns of people over thousands of years.
Background on Autosomal DNA Testing -- Family Tree DNA's "Family Finder"
Family Finder provides
analysis of a person's ethnic percentages and connects them with relatives descended from any of their
ancestral lines from approximately the most recent five to six generations. Because Family Finder uses
autosomal DNA (inherited from both of your parents, your four grandparents, your eight great-grandparents,
etc.), it offers the greatest opportunity to discover your genetic cousins.
Other Resources
For more details on DNA testing visit Blair Genealogy's great web site:
DNA 101
Results are slim at the moment. We are just beginning this DNA project.
From the Y-DNA test, we can determine the haplogroup for my Hyde line. It is a very common one (R1b1a2 or M269). A large percentage of Western Europe
is in this haplogroup! One study determined 92.3% of the men in Wales and 85.4%
of the men in Ireland are in this haplogroup. Another study states that in parts of
north-western Ireland the R1b1a2 haplogroup reaches 98%.
Using Y-DNA to test your line against mine
Because the baseline shows a very common haplogroup, the matches at 12, 25, and even 37 are
not reliable. It is a bit unfortunate, but to have a good match, the prospective match
will probably need to test all 67 markers and perhaps even 111 markers.
Please contact Dan Hyde (hyde at bucknell dot edu) if you are interested in comparing your
Y-DNA tests with our Hyde baseline data.
Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update
January 29, 2013
No guarantee on the accuracy of the data found on this web site is
given or
implied by the site owner. As with all family research, the
researcher should
strive to obtain primary documents for necessary proofs. Furthermore,
must be obtained from the original submitter of information on this
site before
publishing any information found here.
Copyright © 2013
Dr. Daniel C. Hyde