# Implementation of the Queue ADT using a linked list. class Queue : # Creates an empty queue. def __init__( self ): self._qhead = None self._qtail = None self._count = 0 # Returns True if the queue is empty. def is_empty( self ): return self._qhead is None # Returns the number of items in the queue. def __len__( self ): return self._count def __str__( self ): '''Build and return a string representation of the queue''' s = '[' current = self._qhead while current != None: s += str(current.item) if current != self._qtail: s += ', ' current = current.next s += ']' return s # Adds the given item to the queue. def enqueue( self, item ): node = _QueueNode( item ) if self.is_empty() : self._qhead = node else : self._qtail.next = node self._qtail = node self._count += 1 # Removes and returns the first item in the queue. def dequeue( self ): assert not self.is_empty(), "Cannot dequeue from an empty queue." node = self._qhead if self._qhead is self._qtail : self._qtail = None self._qhead = self._qhead.next self._count -= 1 return node.item # Examine the first item without removing it def peek( self ): assert not self.is_empty(), "Cannot peek from an empty queue." node = self._qhead return node.item # Private storage class for creating the linked list nodes. class _QueueNode( object ): def __init__( self, item ): self.item = item self.next = None