from counter import * print('Testing StoppingCounter...') my_count = StoppingCounter(10, 12) print('Its min value should be 10 ... It is ' + str(my_count.get_min())) print('The count value should be at minimum ... ' + str(my_count.is_at_min())) print('The count value should not be at maximum ... ' + str(my_count.is_at_max())) my_count.count() my_count.count() print('Increment twice, the count value should be 12 now ... ' + str(my_count.get_count_value())) print('The count value should be at maximum ... ' + str(my_count.is_at_max())) print('The count value should not be at minimum ... ' + str(my_count.is_at_min())) my_count.count() print('Increment one more time, the count value should remain as 12 ... ' + str(my_count.get_count_value())) my_count.un_count() my_count.un_count() my_count.un_count() print('Decrement three times, the cout value should be 10 ... ' + str(my_count.get_count_value()))