from board import QueensBoard def solveNQueens( board, col ): # A solution was found if n-queens have been placed on the board. if board.numQueens() == board.getsize() : return True else : # Find the next unguarded square within this column. for row in range( board.getsize() ): if board.unguarded( row, col ): # Place a queen in that square. board.placeQueen( row, col ) #print( 'place queen at (', row, ', ', col, ')' ) # Continue placing queens in the following columns. if solveNQueens( board, ( col + 1 ) % board.getsize() ) : # We are finished if a solution was found. return True else : # No solution was found with the queen in this square, so it # has to be removed from the board. board.removeQueen( row, col ) #print( 'remove queen at (', row, ', ', col, ')' ) else: pass #print(' b(', row, col, ') guarded ...') # If the loop terminates, no queen can be placed within this column. return False def testNQueens(start_row, start_col): print('test NQueens ...') queensBoard = QueensBoard( 4 ) queensBoard.placeQueen( start_row, 0 ) if solveNQueens( queensBoard, start_col): print( 'solved ...' ) else: print( 'no solution ...' ) print( queensBoard ) #testNQueens(0, 1) # no solution #testNQueens(1, 1) # solved testNQueens(2, 1) # solved #testNQueens(3, 1) # no solution