Lab 05: List ADT

0. Credits

The lab content is the result of collective work of CSCI 204 instructors.

1. Objectives

In this lab, you will learn the following,

2. Preparation

This lab will use many files. If you haven't been yet creating separate directories for separate labs, now is a good time to start. Make this lab a directory named lab05 in your csci204 directory and change your working directory to there. Copy the lab starter files from ~csci204/student-labs/lab05. You should see six Python files and many image (ppm) files.   avocados.ppm    bagel.ppm       banana.ppm ...

As in previous labs, if you do your work on a lab computer, you'd copy the files after creating the directory in the following command.

cd ~/csci204/labs/lab05 cp ~csci204/student-labs/lab05/* .

If you plan to do your work on your own computer, you may copy the files remotely using the following command.

cd <your local folder> scp* .

where abc123 should be your Bucknell account name.

You will not need to modify these files. Rather all your lab work should be contained in two files, that has all the required elements of the class List, and that has the class ListException. You will create these two files. You must name these two files exactly as they are so the GroceryBuddy app will run as it is. Your task is to implement these two classes correctly in their respective files.

In the following sections, we will discuss some of the basic ideas of the list ADT and their use in our application, Grocery Buddy. Read these descriptions before implementing and testing your programs.

3. Grocery Buddy

You work for a company which creates computer apps to help people in the everyday world. You are currently working on the GroceryBuddy app which keeps a shopping list. It displays the name, number, and picture of desired grocery items in a list. Items can be added and removed from the list. The desired quantity of items can be updated and item positions can be swapped. You have been assigned the task of implementing a standard List ADT so that the app that uses a list will work properly.

4. List ADT

A list is a linear, ordered, indexed ADT. Like any ADT, a list has two sets of members, a collection of data and a set of operations defined on the data. The data held in a list can be of varying types. The set of operations (methods) supported by a list in general include the following:

Some more elaborate lists may contain more operations. For this lab, you will also add the peek operation:

A list ADT can be implemented using different data structures. In this lab you will implement a list ADT using an array.

5. List ADT with an Array

You must implement your list with an array in a file named (you will be asked to do so in the Implementations section.) Therefore your list will need data attributes for the array of items, the current size, and the current capacity.

NOTE: When the size is equal to capacity, it means that you've run out of room in your array to store more elements. At this point, your array should automatically double in size, i.e., the capacity, to create room for more elements.

Because arrays cannot change size once created, you will need to create a new array that is double the capacity of the old one, and copy the elements from your old array into the new one.

Remember to name your methods and fields so it is clear which ones should be accessed from outside of the class. Names that only get inside access start with an underscore. For example, your Array will likely have an attribute called self._array since it should not be accessed from outside the list.

6. Implementations

Now that you have a basic understanding of the list ADT, let's implement it. We would like you to test the operations of the ADT as you make progress. Do not wait until the end for testing. For now, we will provide some testing programs for you. In future, you may be asked to come up these testing programs yourself. For this lab, we give you a test file. Among the Python programs you copied, one of them is Open this file in your IDE (spyder or idle3), take a look at the program. The program has a number of different functions that test various features of a list. You should comment out the sections in the function test_arraylist() that you have not implemented yet, then run the progra to test the features that you have completed. Again, make sure you test often. Don't wait until all are implemented before testing.

6.1 Implement a ListException Class

First you are asked to implement a ListException class for your list using the knowledge you learned in the class. Your ListException class must inherit the Exception class--to be a python exception, your class must inherit the BaseException class, and Exception does that. See the python documentation for more details on the inheritance structure of python exceptions. You will have very little code in the class ListException itself. Put your ListException class in a file named

Test the ListException class: After completing the ListException class, run the program that you copied as one of the starting files. (You may want to examine the file before using it.)


You should see an output similar to the following, indicating your implementation of ListException is good. If your output is very different, you need to fix the errors in your exception class before moving forward.

--- Test exception ---
We will raise the ListException ...
Raise list exception.
We caught the exception raised.
--- Passed exception test ---

6.2 Implement the List Class

Implement your list class in a file named Your List class must have the following standard methods:

We strongly recommend you test each method as you complete them. Take a look at the function test_arraylist() in the file You can comment out the later segment of the code in the function test_arraylist() to test the ones you completed first. For example, you can comment out test_insert(), test_peek(), test_delete(), and test_exception() to test the constructor. When the constructor passes the test, you can then test the insert() method, so on and so forth. If any problems occur during the test, fix them before moving on, until all tests are executed successfully.

If everything is implemented properly, your final run of the should generate something similar to the following.

--- Test the list constructor ---
A new list is created, its length should be 0 (zero), it is --> 0
--- Passed constructor test ---

--- Test the insert() method ---
Length of the list should be 6, it is -->  6
The list content should be ['hello', 'world', 'how', 'are', 'you', '?']
It is --> [hello, world, how, are, you, ?]
--- Passed insert() test ---

--- Test the peek() method ---
The items in the list should be ['hello', 'world', 'how', 'are', 'you', '?'], it is --> [hello  world  how  are  you  ?  ]
--- Passed peek() test ---

--- Test the delete() method ---
The items in the list should be ['world', 'are', 'you'], it is --> [world  are  you  ]
--- Passed delete() test ---

--- Test the exceptions ---
Peek at a non-existing location should raise an exception
Index error
Caught peek error at a wrong index.
Deleting at index -1, should cause exception
Index error
Caught delete error at index -1
Deleting at index n, should cause exception
Index error
Caught delete error at index n
--- Passed exceptions test ---

After completing the implementation, you should be able to load and run the Python program When the program is running, try your shopping experience (!!) by adding any item that is represented by a graphics file, for example, eggs, beans, or others, or removing things that you already put in your shopping cart.

7. Submitting Your Work

Congratulations! You've completed this lab. Please make sure submit your and files on Moodle.