from list_stack import Stack """ A collection of functions to help the is_path() function to determine if there is a path between two cities""" """These global names are for references only. The assignment will take place in various functions.""" global visited global NUM_FLIGHT_RTS global flight_routes global NUM_CITIES global city_names def unvisit_all(): """Mark all cities unvisited""" global visited visited = {} for i in range(len(city_names)): visited[city_names[i]] = False def mark_visited(which): """Mark a particular city visited""" visited[which] = True def get_next_city(from_city, city_names): """Get the next city that can be reached from 'from_city'""" to_city = 'none' for i in range(NUM_FLIGHT_RTS): if flight_routes[i][0] == from_city: to_city = flight_routes[i][1] # print(' in getnextcity from to visited[to]', \ # from_city, to_city, visited[to_city]) if visited[to_city] == False: return True, to_city return False, to_city def read_flight_routes(): """Read the flight route information. The format of the file is following n : the number of routes from1 to1 ... fromn ton""" f = open('flightFile.txt', 'r') data = # read all lines lines = data.split('\n') size = int(lines[0]) # number of routes global NUM_FLIGHT_RTS NUM_FLIGHT_RTS = size size *= 2 # each route has two cities, orig, dest global flight_routes flight_routes = [] for i in range(1, size+1, 2): pair = ['' for i in range(2)] pair[0] = lines[i].strip() # source pair[1] = lines[i+1].strip() # destination flight_routes.append(pair) return flight_routes def read_city_names(): """Read a list of n cities""" f = open('cityFile.txt', 'r') data = lines = data.split('\n') size = int(lines[0]) #print(size) global NUM_CITIES NUM_CITIES = size city_names = [] for i in range(1, size+1): city_names.append(lines[i].strip()) return city_names def is_path(orig, destiny): """Given an orig and a destiny city, determine if there is a path.""" ''' Algorithm: is_path(origy, destiny): create a new stack mark all cities un-visited myStack.push(orig) mark orig visited while (myStack not empty and destiny != myStack.peek()): if (no flights exist from the city on the top of the stack to un-visited cities): myStack.pop() # backtrack else: select a unvisited destination city C from the city at the top of the stack myStack.push(C) mark C as visited if myStack.isEmpty(): return False else: return True # the stack should contain the route ''' pass def main(): global city_names city_names = read_city_names() global flight_routes flight_routes = read_flight_routes() global visited global NUM_FLIGHT_RTS unvisit_all() #print(flight_routes) f = open('requestFile.txt', 'r') data = lines = data.split('\n') count = int(lines[0]) for i in range(1, 2*count+1, 2): src = lines[i].strip() dst = lines[i+1].strip() # print(' in main src|' + src + '| dest |' + dst + '|') found, rt_stack = is_path(src, dst) if found: print('===== a path is found from ' + src + ' to ' + dst) print('Here is the route : ' + str(rt_stack)) else: print('===== no path is found from ' + src + ' to ' + dst) main()