''' Quicksort example adopted from https://pythonschool.net/data-structures-algorithms/quicksort/ for CSCI 204 Xiannong Meng 2017-09-05 ''' def partition(myList, start, end): pivot = myList[start] left = start+1 right = end done = False while not done: while left <= right and myList[left] <= pivot: left = left + 1 while myList[right] >= pivot and right >=left: right = right -1 if right < left: done= True else: # swap places temp=myList[left] myList[left]=myList[right] myList[right]=temp # swap start with myList[right] temp=myList[start] myList[start]=myList[right] myList[right]=temp return right def quicksort(myList, start, end): if start < end: # partition the list pivot = partition(myList, start, end) # sort both halves quicksort(myList, start, pivot-1) quicksort(myList, pivot+1, end) return myList from random import * def test_quicksort(n): a = [] for i in range(n): a += [randint(0, 100)] if n < 50: print('presort : ', a) quicksort(a, 0, len(a) - 1) if n < 50: print('postsort : ', a) #test_quicksort(25) #test_quicksort(100) # real/user/sys 0.049/0.018/0.010 #test_quicksort(10000) # real/user/sys 0.516/0.460/0.006 test_quicksort(20000) # real/user/sys 0.801/0.760/0.007