Hmmm Install Python3

Hmmm Install Python3

How to install a Python 3 version of Hmmm on your Laptop

If you plan on installing Hmmm on your own machine, you need to know that the Hmmm files on Harvey Mudd’s website require Python 2.7. Best not to download their files.

We have converted to Python 3 the three files you need and they are available from this web page.

  1. First, you will need a working python 3 on your machine.
  2. Download the file to your laptop. Unzip and place the five files,,, example1.hmmm, and problem1.hmmm in the folder where you are going to work. The two files for lab 6 — example1.hmmm, and problem1.hmmm — are included.
  3. Put these five files in a folder where you will also save your Hmmm programs.
  4. Running and on your laptop is different than on the Linux machines used in the lab. To use open in IDLE and run. The program will prompt you for your file with your Hmmm program. After your Hmmm file has been assembled successfully, you can use by opening and running it in IDLE.

Let Professor Xiannong Meng know if you have any problem with this version of the assembler or simulator crashing.