

Welcome to CSCI 203: Introduction to Computer Science. From the swipe of your ID card to the navigation of autonomous vehicles, computing is inescapable in the 21st century. The goal of this course is to equip you with a mindset of computational thinking to not only see through the “magic” of your laptop but to amplify and empower you in the areas you care about, no matter what discipline you’re in. Yes, you will learn to program in Python during this course, but more important, we will use programming to explore the larger, more wide-reaching ideas of computer science – how can we represent complex ideas with small, physical mechanisms? How can we solve big, difficult problems with simple, easily-described steps? Are there problems that are too hard for us to solve, or even unsolvable all together? What does it mean to combine computer science with math or science or humanities or art?


NameOfficePhoneEmailSectionsOffice Hrs
Susan BaishDana 321B570-577-3829susan.baish01, 03, L61, L63M, W, F 4-5 pm
and by appt.
Alexander FuchsbergerBreakiron 377af033L60
Brian KingBreakiron 169570-577-3427brian.king04Send e-mail for an appointment
Darakhshan MirDana 210570-577-3395d.mirL62
Evan PeckDana 334570-577-2345evan.peck02Check here
Zach ScherrDana 311A570-577-1276zls002L64

(all emails are at bucknell.edu)

Time and Date for Classes and Labs

Lecture012:00-2:52 MWFBRKI 066Susan Baish
Lecture021:00-1:52 MWFBRKI 066Evan Peck
Lecture033:00-3:52 MWFDANA 227Susan Baish
Lecture0411:00-11:52 MWFDANA 227Brian King
Lab6010:00-11:52 TDANA 213Alexander Fuchsberger
Lab618:00-9:52 TDANA 213Susan Baish
Lab623:00-4:52 TDANA 213Darakhshan Mir
Lab631:00-2:52 TDANA 213Susan Baish
Lab643:00-4:52 MDANA 213Zach Scherr

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