Computer Science Department, Bucknell University

Checklist for Formal Report
EG139 Written and Oral Communication
By Professor Robert Krib

  1. The title should be brief (10 words or less), should have an important noun in first position, and should use substantive terms (Mt. Zion Steel Bridge Design) before procedural terms (A Feasibility Study).
  2. The title page should help your readers to understand your organizational role and your relationship to the different audiences. It should also fix the report in time by date and complete references (file numbers, project numbers). Anderson 594-7.
  3. The executive summary should condense substantive information about the main point of the report, background of problem, task, possible solutions, recommendations, and brief reasoning behind them. Anderson 247. Abstract: 600.

  4. The table of contents should list, number, and give page referencs for the headings and major subheadings (to third-level headings) exactly as they appear in the report. Anderson 198, 601-2.

  5. The letter of transmittal should (a) mention the enclosed report and, if appropriate, who has requested it (b) help the reader to understand the report by pointing out important conclusions (c) reveal the report's recommendations (d) acknowledge help received (e) reinforce the worth of the report and (f) end with a polite statement of appreciation and willingness to work further (caution: no rubber stamp phrases!). Anderson 611-12.

  6. The introduction begins on a separate page. It contains an explanation of the problem or opportunity--general and specific-- the technical task or questons, and the criteria governing the investigation. It should also explain how the report will help your readers, how it is organized, its scope, and its main points. The introduction must satisfy your decision-making readers. Anderson Chapter 8 and example (250).

  7. The background to the discussion should provide information needed by your advisers and implementers in understanding the descriptive and argumentative sections of your discussion. In this section you should define key terms, trace significant history, elaborate upon the problem, or further explain the technical or investigative task.

  8. The discussion begins on a separate page. The format for your discussion will, of course, depend upon the type of report you are writing: feasibility study, proposal, recommendation report, manual, or other form. See Anderson for format. Generally speaking, however, you will need to do two things well: describe and argue.

    In describing your solution you should provide enough detail to satisfy the advisers and implementers. Remember to move from general principles of your operation before getting into specifics. Your description should be supported by well designed figures or charts. Anderson Chapter 7 (Discussion) and Chapter 11 (visual support).

    In arguing for your solution, you should define your criteria, evaluate your findings according to those criteria, and rebut alternative solutions. In other words, your argument—whether presented separately or together with your description—should present the evidence for your findings clearly, logically, and emphatically. Chapters 3,5, 7.

    Note: Both description and argument should be clearly segmented by headings, subheadings, bulleted or numbered lists, and white space. Anderson Chapter 7.

    Note: Supporting material not crucial to either description or argument belongs in the appendix.

  9. The conclusions and recommendations section begins on a new page. Conclusions and recommendations mentioned briefly in the executive summary and introduction to the report should be discussed in detail here. Anderson Chapter 9.

  10. The report has been revised and edited for clear, direct, logical, and concise sentences and paragraphs.

Readers cannot understand information flung at them [randomly], a chip of geography here, a piece of economics there, a funny story tossed in for good (or bad) measure. Instead, they require that a subject first be reduced to some understandable scheme.

Page maintained by Dan Hyde, Last update September 18, 1997
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