In describing your solution you should provide enough detail to satisfy the advisers and implementers. Remember to move from general principles of your operation before getting into specifics. Your description should be supported by well designed figures or charts. Anderson Chapter 7 (Discussion) and Chapter 11 (visual support).
In arguing for your solution, you should define your criteria, evaluate your findings according to those criteria, and rebut alternative solutions. In other words, your argument—whether presented separately or together with your description—should present the evidence for your findings clearly, logically, and emphatically. Chapters 3,5, 7.
Note: Both description and argument should be clearly segmented by headings, subheadings, bulleted or numbered lists, and white space. Anderson Chapter 7.
Note: Supporting material not crucial to either description or argument belongs in the appendix.
Readers cannot understand information flung at them [randomly], a chip of geography here, a piece of economics there, a funny story tossed in for good (or bad) measure. Instead, they require that a subject first be reduced to some understandable scheme.