/** * Originally Written by Tim Macinta 1997 for their
* book "Guide to Search Engines" in Java.
* * Distributed under the GNU Public License * (a copy of which is enclosed with the source).
* This LinkExtractor can extract URLs from HTML files.
* * modified by Xiannong Meng to fix the finite state machine * to recognize urls containing white spaces.
* April 2005

* * modified by Xiannong Meng to convert the program into C.
* December 2012

* * modified by Xiannong Meng to remove extra functionality * so we can see the bare-minimum of the function.
* January 2013.

*/ /* * A simple finite-state-machine to recognize a url */ #include #include #include #include #define MAXSTRLEN 256 char * analyze(char* param); void extractURLs( char* pageSrc, char*retval[], int *count) { /* * Input: * char * pageSrc: original Html page * * Output: * char * extracted url */ int len = strlen(pageSrc); /* length of the page */ char ch; /* current char */ int i; /* loop index */ int state = 0; /* state of the finite state machine */ char *sb = (char*) malloc(len + 1); /* string buffer, len < len(page) */ char *out = (char*) malloc(len + 1); /* string buffer, len < len(page) */ int c = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) { ch = pageSrc[i]; switch (state) { case 0: if (ch == '<') state = '<'; break; case '<': if (ch == '>') { state = 0; sb[c] = 0; /* terminate the string buffer */ if (c < MAXSTRLEN-1) { // skip the extreme long urls out = analyze(sb); strcpy((retval[*count]), out); (*count)++; } c = 0; /* reset the string buffer */ } else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A') { state = 'a'; sb[c] = ch; c ++; } break; case 'a': if (isspace(ch)) { state = '+'; sb[c] = ch; c ++; } break; case '+': if (!isspace(ch)) { state = '-'; sb[c] = ch; c ++; } break; case '-': if (ch == '>') { state = 0; sb[c] = 0; /* terminate the string */ if (c < MAXSTRLEN-1) { // skip the extreme long urls out = analyze(sb); strcpy((retval[*count]), out); (*count)++; } c = 0; /* reset the string buffer */ } else if (!isspace(ch)) { sb[c] = ch; c ++; } break; } // end of 'switch' } // end of 'for' } /* * Analyzes "param", which should be the contents between a '<' and a '>', * and adds any URLs that are found to the list of URLs. */ char * analyze(char* param) { char *start, *end; int i; int len = strlen(param); char *out = (char*)malloc(len + 1); /* * the 'param' should be inthe form of 'a href="a url" * we need to extract the 'a url' */ printf("in analyze src : %s\n", param); for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) param[i] = tolower(param[i]); start = strstr(param, "\""); end = strstr((start+1), "\""); strncpy(out, start, (end-start+1)); out[(end-start+1)] = 0; printf("in analyze ret : %s\n", out); return out; } int main(int argc, char*argv[]) { int count = 5; int i; char *msgbuf[count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) { msgbuf[i] = (char*)malloc(MAXSTRLEN + 1); } /* the following are testing urls */ char * url = "anchor text"; // char * url = "anchor"; // char * url = "anchor "; // char * url = "anchor"; // char * url = "some other text anchore after ancore "; count = 0; extractURLs( url, msgbuf, &count ); for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) { printf("extracted url |%s|\n", msgbuf[i]); } }