Course Information

Course syllabus

Course schedule and corresponding lecture notes

Course Moodle site

A Collection of Related Resources

Resource page



Port assignment is in a Linux file at ~cs363/Spring16/student/port-assignment.txt.


Project One (team project): Search Engine -- A Client Server Program Pair

Project Two (individual project): Choose Your Own Project!:

Code Examples Used in the Lectures

Directory where the code examples reside. You may also access the files from Linux system at ~cs363/public_html/2016-spring/code/.

Code examples from Unix Network Programming by Stevens are in the directory of ~cs363/unpv13e/ on the Linux file system.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to function effectively in a project team (ABET d)
  2. Students will be able to design, test, and implement a complete computing system in software (ABET c, e)
  3. Students will be able to conduct laboratory experiements to validate hypotheses and interpret data (ABET a, b)

Related ABET Student Outcomes

(a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering

(b) An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution

(c) An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs

(d) An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal

(e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Academic Responsibility

Bucknell University Honor Code

As a student and citizen of the Bucknell University community:
  1. I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors.
  2. I will forthrightly oppose each and every instance of academic dishonesty.
  3. I will let my conscience guide my decision to communicate directly with any person or persons I believe to have been dishonest in academic work.
  4. I will let my conscience guide my decision on reporting breaches of academic integrity to the appropriate faculty or deans.

Students are expected to read and abide by the principles clearly explained in the Student Handbook. Under no circumstance, should any student submit work that is not of his or her authorship. If a deadline is tight, or impossible, before getting desperate, talk to your instructor. It is better to be late than dishonest. Remember that your instructor's main goal is to give you the best opportunities to learn.

The university has a set of web pages that describe what we understand for Principles of Academic Responsibility and how it deals with cases of violations of these principles.

In addition to reading and understanding the university documents above, you are urged pay careful attention to the policy extensions applicable to courses in the Department of Computer Science.

Your instructor will make every effort to explain in detail the collaboration policy for each specific assignment. Before you start your work, make sure to read and understand this policy. Should any questions arise, contact your instructor immediately to have them clarified.

Last modified: Sun Jan 17 09:27:07 EST 2016