Java(tm) Bytecode Assembler
The result of an independent study by Washington University undergraduate
Jason Hunt, under the direction of Dr. Ron Cytron, Dept. of Computer Science
The Java Bytecode Assembler (or simply Assembler) is a program that converts
code written in "Java Assembly Language" into a valid Java .class file. This
provides developers a simple means of either programming directly in Java
assembly language or making Java bytecodes the target of a compiler. It
eliminates the need for developers to generate the constant pool, keep track
of code lengths, calculate offsets, and perform other mundane tasks.
- The Java Assembly Language is similar to the
output of Sun's javap utility, but also uses Java-like syntax
to make it more readable.
- The assembler offers a number of features
that ease programming in Java bytecodes.
- Examples provide the best way to learn the
Java assembly language.
- The assembler can be downloaded for
educational purposes.
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems.