James's Stats 1999

Standings | Toby | James | Tom | Levent | Doug | Ladd | Ben | John | Mike

Rosters | Transactions | Links

    Batters            G    AB   H     Avg    R   HR  RBI  SB-CS   OPS
1B  Olerud, NY        162  581  173   0.298  107  19   96   3-0   .894
2B  Vidro, Mon         74  270   77   0.285   29   4   29   0-1   .823
SS  Perez, Col        157  690  193   0.280  108  12   70  13-5   .712
3B  Rolen, Phi        112  421  113   0.268   74  26   77  12-2   .898
out Joyner, SD        110  323   80   0.248   34   5   43   0-1   .715
in  Guerrero, Mon     132  315   92   0.292   42   2   31   7-6   .727
C   Lieberthal, Phi   145  510  153   0.300   84  31   96   0-0   .919
    Fabregas, Atl      88  231   46   0.199   20   3   21   0-0   .584
OF  Sosa, Chi         162  625  180   0.288  114  63  141   7-8   1.00
    Bell, Hou         128  509  120   0.236   61  12   66  18-6   .659
    Grissom, Mil      154  603  161   0.267   92  20   83  24-6   .737
    Wilson, Fla       101  335   95   0.284   47  14   46  10-3   .856
    Johnson, Chi       95  335   87   0.260   46   1   21  13-3   .671
    Cameron, Cin      146  542  139   0.256   93  21   66  38-12  .827
Ex  Dunwoody, Fla      40  126   27   0.214   14   1   12   3-3   .584
    Lansing, Col       35  145   45   0.310   24   4   15   2-0   .802
Totals                    6561 1781   0.271  989 238  913 150-56 

Pitchers         G  GS   W-L    S-B     IP    H   BB  Ratio  ER   ERA    SO
Hoffman, SD      64  0   2-3   40-3    67.3   48  15  0.936  16  2.14    73
Park, LA         33 33  13-11   0-0   194.3  208 100  1.585 113  5.23   174
Valdes, LA       32 32   9-14   0-0   203.3  213  58  1.333  90  3.98   143
Benitez, NY      51  0   4-2   21-3    52.0   27  26  1.019  11  1.90    86
Mantei, Fla      65  0   1-3   32-5    65.3   44  44  1.347  20  2.76    99
Daal, Ari        32 32  16-9    0-0   214.7  188  79  1.244  87  3.65   148
Bottenfield, StL 28 28  15-7    0-0   172.0  184  81  1.541  82  4.29   107
Looper, Fla      72  0   3-3    0-4    83.0   96  31  1.530  35  3.80    50
Masaoka, LA      54  0   2-4    1-1    66.7   55  47  1.530  32  4.32    61
*Wohlers, Atl     2  0   0-0    0-0     0.7    1   6  9.999   2 27.00     0
*Tomko, Cin       9  9   1-3    0-0    47.0   56  18  1.574  32  6.13    33
Totals                  66-59  94-16 1166.3 1120 505  1.393 520  4.01   974

Last Week's Stats

    Batters            G    AB   H     Avg    R   HR  RBI  SB-CS   OPS
1B  Olerud, NY          4   18    5   0.278    3   0    1   0-0   .714
2B  Vidro, Mon          1    3    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .400
SS  Perez, Col          3   15    3   0.200    1   0    1   0-0   .400
3B  Rolen, Phi          0    0    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
out Joyner, SD          2    6    2   0.333    2   0    1   0-0   .833
in  Guerrero, Mon       3    5    1   0.200    1   1    4   0-0   1.23
C   Lieberthal, Phi     3    9    2   0.222    1   0    1   0-0   .556
    Fabregas, Atl       2    5    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
OF  Sosa, Chi           3   11    2   0.182    1   1    3   0-0   .705
    Bell, Hou           1    1    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
    Grissom, Mil        3   14    3   0.214    1   0    2   0-1   .429
    Wilson, Fla         3    9    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .182
    Johnson, Chi        3   12    4   0.333    2   0    1   0-0   .718
    Cameron, Cin        2    4    2   0.500    1   1    3   1-0   1.96
Totals                     112   24   0.214   13   3   17   1-1  

Pitchers         G  GS   W-L    S-B     IP    H   BB  Ratio  ER   ERA    SO
Hoffman, SD       0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Park, LA          1  1   0-1    0-0     7.0    4   3  1.000   1  1.29     5
Valdes, LA        0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Benitez, NY       2  0   1-0    0-0     1.3    0   1  0.750   0  0.00     4
Mantei, Fla       1  0   0-0    1-0     1.0    0   1  1.000   0  0.00     1
Daal, Ari         1  1   0-0    0-0     6.0    3   1  0.667   0  0.00     2
Bottenfield, StL  0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Looper, Fla       1  0   1-0    0-0     1.0    1   0  1.000   0  0.00     1
Masaoka, LA       1  0   0-0    0-0     0.3    1   2  9.000   1 27.00     1
Totals                   2-1    1-0    16.7    9   8  1.020   2  1.08    14

Ben Vollmayr-Lee (bvollmay@bucknell.edu)