1999-00 Mizzou Basketball
Overall Record: 18-13        Conference: 10-6
Home: 10-5    Away: 5-3
Postseason: NCAA 0-1
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Roster and Players Stats - Total
 Player Name      Yr Hgt Pos  G GS  MIN  PTS  REB Off-Def AST   PF-D  TO STL BLK
 Keyon Dooling               31 30  983  414   84  17-67  113   56-1  79  44  17
 Clarence Gilbert            31 31  972  276  114  21-93   71   62-0  40  45   6
 Kareem Rush                 22  6  591  277   94  26-68   34   55-2  43  29   4
 Tajudeen Soyoye             31 31  778  273  194  73-121  24   88-1  68  18   7
 Brian Grawer                31 26  876  189   88  25-63   87   51-0  46  45   0
 Jeff Hafer                  30 20  687  189  108  34-74   56   99-9  53  48   9
 Johnnie Parker              30 10  531  170  133  52-81   24   74-3  25  19   7
 Josh Kroenke                30  0  282   60   23   2-21   10   23-0  16   7   1
 Justin Gage                 25  0  313   59   63  25-38    6   44-1  12  15   2
 Pat Schumacher              25  0  156   39   32  18-14    0   41-0  19   5   8
 Kenge Stevenson              9  0   34    4    9   2-7     0    3-0   2   0   0
 Mark Wampler                 6  1   21    1    3   2-1     1    0-0   2   0   0
 Steve Weaver                 1  0    1    0    0   0-0     0    0-0   0   0   0
 Mizzou Total                31    6225 2302 1039 335-704 426 601-17 412 275  61
 Opponent Total              31    6225 2168 1195 369-826 435 605-xx 550 171  61 
Player Stats - Per Game
 Player Name       MIN  PTS  REB(%O)  AST  TO  A/T  STL BLK  FGA  ADJ  FTA  FT%
 Keyon Dooling    31.7 15.3  2.7(20)  3.6  2.5 1.4  1.4  .5 12.0 .468  5.4 .743
 Clarence Gilbert 31.4 11.7  3.7(18)  2.3  1.3 1.8  1.5  .2 12.2 .418  2.0 .774
 Kareem Rush      26.9 14.7  4.3(28)  1.5  2.0  .8  1.3  .2  9.8 .611  3.5 .756
 Tajudeen Soyoye  25.1  8.8  6.3(38)   .8  2.2  .4   .6  .2  6.2 .510  3.9 .631
 Brian Grawer     28.3  7.4  2.8(28)  2.8  1.5 1.9  1.5   0  5.6 .463  2.4 .905
 Jeff Hafer       22.9  7.0  3.6(31)  1.9  1.8 1.1  1.6  .3  5.3 .556  1.8 .611
 Johnnie Parker   17.7  6.1  4.4(39)   .8   .8 1.0   .6  .2  5.7 .482  1.1 .606
 Josh Kroenke      9.4  2.7   .8( 9)   .3   .5  .6   .2   0  2.3 .551   .3 .600
 Justin Gage      12.5  2.4  2.5(40)   .2   .5  .5   .6  .1  1.9 .415  1.6 .538
 Pat Schumacher    6.2  1.6  1.3(56)    0   .8   0   .2  .3  1.4 .400   .6 .688
 Kenge Stevenson   3.8   .4  1.0(22)    0   .2   0    0   0   .6 .200   .4 .500
 Mark Wampler      3.5   .2   .5(67)   .2   .3  .5    0   0   .5 .000   .3 .500
 Steve Weaver      1.0    0    0( 0)    0    0   0    0   0    0 .000    0 .000
 Mizzou Total          74.3 33.5(32) 13.7 13.3 1.0  8.9 2.0 58.8 .423 21.3 .710
 Opponent Total        69.9 38.5(31) 14.0 17.7  .8  5.5 2.0 56.3 .450 21.0 .688 
Shooting Stats
 Player Name       2P  2PA  2P%  3P 3PA  3P%  ADJ   FG  FGA  FG%  FT  FTA  FT%
 Keyon Dooling     86  203 .424  59 170 .347 .468  145  373 .389 124  167 .743
 Clarence Gilbert  26  145 .179  88 233 .378 .418  114  378 .302  48   62 .774
 Kareem Rush       63  108 .583  46 108 .426 .611  109  216 .505  59   78 .756
 Tajudeen Soyoye   98  192 .510   0   0 .000 .510   98  192 .510  77  122 .631
 Brian Grawer      22   55 .400  39 119 .328 .463   61  174 .351  67   74 .905
 Jeff Hafer        56   96 .583  22  64 .344 .556   78  160 .488  33   54 .611
 Johnnie Parker    61  132 .462  14  38 .368 .482   75  170 .441  20   33 .606
 Josh Kroenke       5   10 .500  22  59 .373 .551   27   69 .391   6   10 .600
 Justin Gage       18   37 .486   1  10 .100 .415   19   47 .404  21   39 .538
 Pat Schumacher    14   35 .400   0   0 .000 .400   14   35 .400  11   16 .688
 Kenge Stevenson    1    5 .200   0   0 .000 .200    1    5 .200   2    4 .500
 Mark Wampler       0    0 .000   0   3 .000 .000    0    3 .000   1    2 .500
 Steve Weaver       0    0 .000   0   0 .000 .000    0    0 .000   0    0 .000
 Mizzou Total     480 1018 .472 291 804 .362 .503  771 1822 .423 469  661 .710
 Opponent Total   631 1281 .493 153 463 .330 .493  784 1744 .450 447  650 .688 
This unofficial page maintained by Ben Vollmayr-Lee (bvollmay@bucknell.edu)