Field-intensive, watershed-based courses developed
by our faculty to take the classroom outdoors
The Watershed Sciences and Engineering (WSE) Program is a broad, interdisciplinary academic program within the Center for Sustainability and the Environment. Strictly speaking, however, the WSE program is not an academic major (such as biology, geology, or civil and environmental engineering) and it does not offer a degree. The courses that WSE staff help teach are done in collaboration with a faculty member in an existing academic department such as biology, geology, civil and environmental engineering, electrical engineering, computers science, or management.
Unique watershed-based courses
Over the years, the WSE program has developed three unique, interdisciplinary field-intensive courses which they offer periodically (see below). These courses are listed as either a university-wide course (UNIV) or under the geology (GEOL) or environmental studies (ENST) departments.
Visit Bucknell's online course catalog for the most up-to-date information about all courses in the school of arts and sciences or engineering: Course Catalog.
UNIV 298. Stream Restoration. 1 Credit.
Offered Alternate Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3,Lab:4; Repeatable Scientific principles to integrate physical and biological approaches to stream restoration in watershed management. This team-taught field course highlights developing restoration plans for local streams. Crosslisted as GEOL 298 or ENST 298.
UNIV 298 - Stream Restoration students conducting a bio-habitat assessment of Miller Run, a highly-degraded stream that flows through the campus of Bucknell. The students conducted additional geomorphic and hydrologic assessments of the watershed and prepared a stream restoration plan for the university.
UNIV 299. Watershed Systems Science. 1 Credit.
Offered Alternate Fall or Spring; Lecture hours:3,Lab:4; Repeatable Watersheds regulate water flow and ecosystem health on our landscape. Team-taught field course integrating physical, chemical, and biological processes in watersheds, using the Susquehanna and tributaries. Crosslisted as GEOL 299 or ENST 299.
There is no better way for students to learn about aquatic life and the river continuum concept than to make the field be the classroom.
UNIV 299. Bucknell on the Susquehanna. .5 Credits.
A 3- to 4-week field-intensive sojourn throughout the Susquehanna watershed, from its glaciated headwater regions to its mouth at the Atlantic Oceon at the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States. Travel across the country to explore the Cascades, Olympic Peninsula, and the Puget Sound, the second largest estuary. Compare and contrast the cultures, history, landforms, ecology, and environmental issues facing these two important regions of the world.
Bucknell-On-The-Susquehanna students learn about oyster farming and health of the Chesapeake Bay as they sail on a Skipjack, a traditional sailboat used in the Chesapeake Bay for commercial oyster dredging. Bucknell-On-The-Susquehanna students traverse a saltwater marsh to learn how the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) is conducting long-term studies on greenhouse gas emissions and ecology of these complex wetland systems.
Watershed Sciences and Engineering Program
The Watershed Sciences and Engineering Program at Bucknell University seeks to achieve national distinction for excellence in education and scholarship in science and engineering by incorporating the Susquehanna River watershed as a teaching and research laboratory.
Since 2006, it has been integrating water and the river into the curriculum and across academic disciplines in ways that enrich Bucknell's intellectual environment, promote sustainability and watershed stewardship, and enable the university to act as a catalyst for environmental and cultural progress in the mid-Atlantic region and beyond.
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