11th Susquehanna River Symposium

Please submit by 11:59 PM on Friday, September 16, 2016

Presentation Preference
Primary Author
Second Author (optional)
Third Author (optional)
Additional Authors (optional)
Keywords (one or two-word phrases that characterize your presentation)
Photo or Figure (optional)

You can attach
one photo or figure in either *.PNG, *.JPG, or *.PDF formats. File size is limited to 1.8 MB.
Figure may or may not appear in the printed proceedings.
Uploading a figure is entirely optional and we realize that most submissions will not include them. The final size of any figure will be small in the printed proceedings (approximately 3 inches wide), so text and photographic details may not be legible. The color balance and contrast also determine how well the image will look when printed. We will NOT accept images emailed to us separately or be responsible for cropping or otherwise enhancing the image for publication.

Bucknell assumes NO responsibility for any copyright violations or ownership issues associated with the image or figures. Any photograph, map, graph, or illustration you submit will become accessible to the public and may appear in online and/or printed copies of the symposium proceedings. However, all images or figure will be embedded with the appropriate abstract and not be used elsewhere in the program or on this website. Therefore, anyone who see the figure will be able to associate it with your abstract and credit you as the author. Please make every effort to name the image file a user-friendly name of 50 characters or less, such as "r.k.johnson_et.al_river_symposium_abstract_figure.jpg" or something the uses periods (.) and/or underscores (_) to clearly identify the authors and associate the file with the symposium abstract.
Additional Comments (optional)
If your abstracts contains complex chemical formulas, foreign characters, unusual spellings, or latin names, then please note these concerns in the "comments" section above. A simple comment such as " the complex chemical formula in paragraph 1 should read …." will give us a hint. It makes it much easier for us to prepare as accurate a proceedings as possible.

Also, if you are uploading an image or figure (see below), please make note of this in the comment section above. That will prompt us to make sure we received your image file and can read it.