Spring 2022 Seminar

Talks are from 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm on in the Olin Science Building Room 268, unless otherwise noted.

April 28, 2022

Marty Ligare

12:00 noon EST. April 28, 2022 at Olin 268

The EPR Paradox with Three-Particle Entangled Quantum States and an Improved "Bell Experiment"

Marty Ligare Bucknell University

Abstract Einstein was never convinced that quantum mechanics provides a complete description of physical systems, and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox highlighted some of the aspects of quantum predictions that Einstein found troubling. Bell's Theorem showed that so-called hidden variables that "complete" the description of physical systems (in the sense of EPR) have observable consequences that conflict with the predictions of quantum mechanics. These ideas are discussed in Sections 8.5 and 8.6 of the PHYS 212 Supplementary Reading, using two-particle entangled spin states. In the first part of this talk I will introduce three-particle entangled states, along with a thought experiment using them, that make the contrast between EPR-like realism and quantum mechanics much more striking than the probabalistic conflicts of Bell's Theorem. The contrast is very easy to derive --- the necessary calculations are a simple application of the material in Chapter 5 of the 212 Supplementary Reading. In the second part of the talk I will introduce a relatively new interpretative framework, named QBism, for dealing with the aspects of quantum mechanics that Einstein and others have found troubling.

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January 21, 2022

Jackie Villadsen

12:00 noon EST. January 21, 2022 at Olin Science Bldg. Room 268

How's the Weather in Space? Life around Stormy Stars

Jackie Villadsen,Vassar College

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January 25, 2022

Josh Alper

12:00 noon EST. January 25, 2022 at Zoom Link

Long-range Electrostatic Interactions Modulate the Affinity of Dynein for Microtubules and Other Stories About the Biophysics of the Cytoskeleton

Josh Alper,Clemson University

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January 27, 2022

Triana Almeyda

12:00 noon EST. January 27, 2022 at Zoom Link

Mapping Active Galactic Nuclei using Light Echoes

Triana Almeyda,South Carolina State University

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January 31, 2022

Emily Wilson

12:00 noon EST. January 31, 2022 at Olin Science Bldg. Room 268

The Co-Evolution of Cannibal Stars

Emily Wilson,Rochester Institute of Technology

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February 01, 2022

Ben Olsen

5:00 pm EST. February 01, 2022 at Zoom Link

Designer quantum matter using laser-cooled atomic gases

Ben Olsen,Yale NUS

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February 03, 2022

Margaret Elmer-Dixon

12:00 noon EST. February 03, 2022 at Zoom Link

Using Biophysics to Elucidate the Cause of Plastic Yellowing as It Ages

Margaret Elmer-Dixon,University of Minnesota, Duluth

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March 8, 2022

Michael Larsen

12:00 noon EST. March 8, 2022 at Olin 268

Aerosol, Cloud, and Precipitation Microphysics Research at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution

Michael L. Larsen College of Charleston

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April 7, 2022

Nathan Keim

12:00 noon EST. April 7, 2022 at Olin 268

Cyclic Memories in Disordered Matter

Nathan Keim Penn State University

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