September 2
Science and Pseudoscience

The fault, dear Brutus, in not in the stars, but in ourselves.

William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar


Reading: Explorations, pp. 40-48. and Aristotle's Astronomy by Thomas Fowler.

Sign up for a time slot for Observing Lab #1.

Problem Set #2 is due Thursday 8 September at 1:00 pm.

In Class:

Question to Ponder

What's the primary difference between science and religion?
  • a) Science is based on a long-established history.
  • b) Science seeks the truth about the world around us.
  • c) Science is testable.
  • d) Science has no established hierarchy.

What Makes This Enterprise Science?

  • Mainly a difference in process.
  • The primary tool of the scientist is skepticism.
  • Scientists are almost always proved wrong, and they don't mind it.

Why It's OK to Be Wrong

  • Science is intrinsically negative.
  • Always testing models, looking for inconsistencies between models and the observations of the real world.
  • Discovering that a model is "wrong" (i.e., inconsistent with the real world) is good because it forces us to consider other, potentially better, models.

The Scientific Process at Work:

  • Model: It's hotter in July than in January because the Earth is closer to the Sun in July than in January.
  • Consequence: It should be hotter everywhere in July.
  • Test: Check to see if it's summertime everywhere on Earth in July.
  • Observation: It's colder in Chile in July than in January.
  • Conclusion: Model is invalid.

How to Choose the Next Model to Test

  • Causality -- must connect the phenomena with a mechanism for producing it.
  • Recycling of old ideas -- choose models that use existing mechanisms, rather than invented solutions (if possible).
  • Simplicity -- The simplest model that satisfactorily explains the observations is prefferred (Ockham's razor).

How About the "Science" of Astrology?

  • Acausal -- no mechanism connecting motions of the planets with earthly activities.
  • Inconsistent with Observations -- repeatedly fails tests of predictive capacity.
  • Unchanging -- even in the face of evidence showing the theory to be invalid, the astrological model remains unchanged (indeed, it's remained the same for more than 2000 years).

But It's Just "For Entertainment Purposes" Anyway, So Who Cares?

  • I do, for one, and you should, for another.
  • Astrology is prejudicial. It places you into arbitrarily-defined groups and assigns characteristics to you and everyone else in that group without basis.
  • Though it has not (yet) plagued our society in the way racism and religious persecution have, astrology is the same type of prejudice and it has the potential to be just as dangerous.
  • If we view any form of prejudice as "entertainment," then we begin to legitimize other, more damaging forms.

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