11 November
Denizens of the Dark

Great God! I'd rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing in this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

William Wordsworth, The World Is Too Much With Us


Read in Explorations, pp. 307-313

Sign up for Observing Lab #3

In Class:

Question to Ponder

Saturn's moon Titan has a substantial atmosphere while larger objects such as Ganymede and Callisto and even Mars don't because
  • a) Titan is made of gas-rich material.
  • b) Titan has a higher density.
  • c) Titan has recently been volcanically active.
  • d) the temperature of Titan's atmosphere is really cold.


  • Substantially smaller than Jupiter and Saturn, but still much larger than Earth.
  • Much farther away -- Saturn is only halfway to Uranus.
  • Big deal is that the rotation axis of Uranus is tipped over.
  • Most planets' rotation axes are tilted by 0-25 degress compared to their orbital axes.
  • Uranus' tilt is 90 degrees.
  • Hard to figure out how it could've formed this way.
  • Maybe it was hit early on by a large planetesmal that knocked it over.
  • Moons: five major ones.
  • Rings: three thin wispy ones.


  • We really know very little about this planet.
  • Similar in size and mass to Uranus.
  • "Only" another 10 A.U. further from the Sun.
  • Two interesting outer moons: Triton and Nereid.
  • Both moons orbits suggest that they're capture products and did not form with Neptune.


  • Relatively big moon (bigger than Pluto, not quite as big as our Moon).
  • Icy surface, but density suggests rocky core -- differentiated.
  • Atmosphere is mostly nitrogen.
  • Nitrogen freezes out in winter, sublimates back into the atmosphere in summer.
  • Springtime "vents" or "volcanoes" are present as nitrogen goes back into gas form.


  • Similar in composition to Triton -- maybe both were once little outer planets.
  • Has moon Charon.
  • We really don't know much about this planet -- no spacecraft visits.

More Plutos?

  • Kuiper Belt is a region betyond Neptune's orbit filled with objects like Pluto
  • Most are much smaller, but a few are comparable, and one --- 2003 UB313 -- is larger than Pluto.
  • Some consider that Pluto really shouldn't be a planet -- just one of the largest of the Kuiper Belt objects.

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