Astronomy 102

First Hour Exam

1999 February 19

Answers to Multiple Choice Questions

Question #1: c) It would move upward and to the right.

This one comes (quite literally) straight from class. Because the x-axis on the H-R Diagram represents temperature and temperature increases to the left, a decrease in temperature means that the star will move to the right. At the same time, it is becoming more luminous, and since the y-axis on the H-R Diagram represents luminosity, the star will move upward.

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Question #2: a) a bright "fringe," signifying constructive interference of the waves from the two slits.

Another "Question to Ponder" straight out of class. Since the waves come from the same source (the light) and travel the same distance to each slit, they will arrive together, or in phase at the two slits. Then, since the distance from each slit to the point P is the same (because point P is on a line between them), the waves will arrive together at point P and constructively interfere since peaks will arrive together and valleys will arrive together. Constructive interference means that the light will be brighter, and therefore, you'll see a bright "fringe" of light.

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Question #3: a) Cassiopeia

One of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky. If you got this one wrong, take another look at the night sky.

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Question #4: d) the corona

The corona is a the diffuse outer part of the Sun's atmosphere, and for reasons that are still unclear, it's heated to very high temperatures of 1 to 2 million K. This isn't as hot as the Sun's core, but it is hotter than the other regions of the Sun listed in the question. This question was taken straight out of the reading.

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Question #5: b) 0.29 seconds

The light from the hammer traverses the 100 meters almost instantaneously, because the speed of light is so high (3 x 108 m/s). Therefore, you'll see the hammer blow only an instant after it happens. However, the speed of sound is much slower, so it will take a bit of time for the sound waves from the hammer blow to travel the 100 meters to your ear.

How long? Well, distance = rate x time, so time = distance/rate, or 100 m / 340 m/s = 0.29 seconds.

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Question #6: d) 15.85

The the magnitudes of the two stars differ by 3.0, and since one magnitude difference corresponds to a factor of 2.512 in flux, three magnitudes must correspond to a factor of 2.512 x 2.512 x 2.512 in flux, or a factor of 15.95.

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Question #7: b) the 6000 K star

Tricky question (though not a trick question). Many of you realised that even though one star is hotter than another, it may not be more luminous, since the hot one could be smaller than the cooler one. That's correct reasoning, but it doesn't make use of all of the information available. Both stars are Main Sequence stars, and we know because of the shape of the Main Sequence in the H-R Diagram that hotter stars are also more luminous ones. Therefore, the hotter Main Sequence star really must be more luminous, and since both stars are located at the same distance, the hotter star will have the higher flux.

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Question #8: c) 1.7 x 10-22 Joules

The key here is that I've asked what energy photon can be absorbed. To absorb a photon, the atom will have to move to a higher energy state, and there's only one available in this atom. The difference between the energy of the atom's current state, and the only stable state of higher energy is 1.7 x 10-22 Joules, so that's the energy of the only photon it can absorb.

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Question #9: a) 1 x 10-6 m

This is a straightforward application of Wien's Law, which can be found on the front of your exam:

With a temperature of 3000 K, Wien's law say that the peak of the spectrum will occur at a wavelength of

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Question #10: c) the M supergiant is a million times more luminous

Luminosity is dependent on the intensity and the surface area. If the two stars have the same surface temperatures, then they have the same intensities, so the difference in luminosity comes down to the difference in surface areas. The M supergiant has a radius that's 1000 times bigger, so it's surface area is 1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000 times bigger, since surface area depends on the radius squared.

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Question #11: c) 1.475 m

In lab, we learned that for a collimated telescope, the distance between the two optical elements is equal to the sum of the focal lengths. In this case, the total distance is 1.5 m and the eyepiece focal length is 25 mm, or 0.025m, so the objective focal length is 1.5 - 0.025 = 1.475 m.

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Questions #12 and 13:

All normal stars show at least a little bit if hydrogen absorption; that is, there are dips in the spectra of stars at wavelengths whose energies correspond to the differences between energy levels of the hydrogen atom. However, the depth of these lines varies considerably from star to star, and it many cases, there are deeper absorption lines in a star's spectrum from other elements. So how do we know that hydrogen is the main constituent of these stars if their spectra all look so different?

The answer comes from temperature. In hot stars, many of the hydrogen atoms are excited to high energy levels, and only a small fraction of the total population is in low energy states. Consequently, there are relatively few hydrogen atoms which can absorb photons and create the observed absorption dips. Therefore, the dips are "weak," and only a few photons are absorbed even though there's lots of hydrogen around.

If the photospheres of stars are too cold, then most of the hydrogen is in its "ground state," and relatively few hydrogen atoms are excited to the energy states where they can absorb visible light photons. Consequently, there are very weak hydrogen absorption lines in the spectra of these stars, too.

Only for stars with surface temperatures near 7500 K are the hydrogen absorption lines especially prominent. In these photospheres, much of the hydrogen is excited to just the right energy levels, so that most of the atoms can absorb visible photons. Consequently, the hydrogen absorption lines are very deep in these stars.

Cecilia Payne was able to show that in all stars, once temperature variations were taken into account, the fractional abundance of hydrogen must be very high,

Note: Many of you tried to answer this question by claiming that hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, or that hydrogen is the main constituent of the Sun, but this is just assuming the answer. We know that the Sun is mostly hydrogen, and that the universe is mostly hydrogen because we can figure out that all stars are mostly hydrogen using the above argument.

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