5 April

When Two Worlds collide
The anger and the pain
Of all those who remain
Two worlds collide
Who will be left alive
No place to hide

Iron Maiden, When Two Worlds Collide


Study for Wednesday's Exam

In Class:

last time, Hubble had shown that the Andromeda Nebula is REALLY far away
     and therefore must be a HUGE galaxy
	 - equal in size to the MW
     Hubble does this with observations of Cepheid variables from the
	    100-in Hooker Telescope at Mt. Wilson
	    - measurements show that notonly is the Andromeda galaxy
	      not part of our galaxy, but
	      it's way far away from our galaxy
		   - i.e., not just next door
		   - the space between our galaxy and the Andromeda
		     galaxy is HUGE even when compared to these huge

	--> The universe is really big, AND really empty
		- we thought that galaxy was empty
		  (e.g., big spaces between stars; what junk there
		   is between the stars is diffuse -- nearly a vacuum)
		 - immense voids between the galaxies where there's
		   nothing (I mean really nothing)

Measurements of Cepheids in other nearby galaxies soon followed
	     and it because clear within a short time that the MW
	     was simply one of a huge number of galaxies separated by
		 vast distances in a universe that is MUCH
		 bigger than previously thought.

    With Hubble's measurements, extragalactic astronomy was born
    Let's now look at the extragalactic universe from a modern perspective
          - types of galaxies
                  - spirals
                       - numerous; probably 75% of recognized galaxies
                                            (N.B.:see discussion after dwarfs)
                       - MW is one -- a big one
                       - classification based on morphology
                           - tightly wrapped spiral arms (Sa)
                           - more loosely wrapped (Sb, or Sc)
                           - presence of a bar in the middle
                                      - SBa, SBb, and SBc
                  - ellipticals
                       - fewer, but some are _really_ big
                       - classified by flatness (E0 is round, E7 is a football)
                       - no spiral arms
                            - rotation is not as well-defined as in spirals
                            - stars tend to orbit in different directions
                  - irregulars
                       - don't fit well into classification sequence
                               - kind of jumbled morphology
                               - generally pretty small
                               - it may be that these are the most numerous 
                                     in the universe, but they're faint so
                                     we can't find many of them
    --------ASIDE on Malmquist bias------------
          luminous objects are easier to see
          if you're counting objects
               - say, 
                 --to find out the percentage of all stars that are O stars
                 --to find out the percentage of all gaxs that are elliptical
          you can see luminous objects that are more distant
              - you end up counting the luminous objects over a larger volume
                    - end up with a larger number of luminous objects
          you can't see the less luminous objects that far away
              - they're too faint
              - only count nearby objects of low luminosity
          So your ratio of the number of objects of each type is not an
             accurate measure of the real ratio out in space
          Need to calculate the ratio from a distance-limited sample
               choose a distance at which you can see all of the objects you're
               interested in.
                - often, this is very hard to do

    ------END ASIDE-----------------------------

Despite the issue of the irregulars, most study is confined to spirals
        and ellipticals
        - probably because they have well-defined structure
                   whereas irregulars are, well, irregular
        - also because spirals and ellipticals are typically bigger
Main physical differences between spirals and ellipticals
     - spirals have plenty of dust; ellipticals have very little dust
               - E's are mainly stars, with not much in between
               - S's have lots of gas and dust in their disks
     - spirals have more younger stars
               - sort of follows from the preceeding statement
               - more dust and gas around, more opportunity to form stars
               - star formation in the recent past means younger stars
               - younger stars also mean bluer stars
                         - can form stars of any type
                         - but only where star formation is current
                               will you find O and B stars
                                    - they just don't live that long
                         - in E's no star formation has taken place recently
                              - therefore E's have no O and B stars
                              - stars in E's are low mass ones
                                  - the others, if they were ever there, 
                                        are long gone
                                  - more like globular clusters in this way
                              - with only low mass stars, light from E's
                                  is redder
      - does this mean spirals are younger than ellipticals
             - NO NO NO NO NO !
                  - at least not necessarily
                  - it might just mean that spirals are always making stars
                  - whereas ellipticals just aren't doing it anymore
                  - mabye spirals have been doing this for a long time
                          - it's just that the current crop of stars is
                        --> does not mean that the galaxy is young
             - in fact, current thinking suggests that ellipticals may
                  form from collisions between spirals, thereby
                       making the spirals the old ones, and the E's the
 Interactions and mergers
              though the space between gax's is huge compared to their size,
              they've been around a long time, and odds are prety good 
              that every gax in the universe has had an interaction 

          interactions are strange beasts
                  - virtually no "contact" between the galaxies
                              - galaxies are mostly empty space
                              - stars don't collide
                  - big deal is the change in gravity
                              - changes orbits of stars
                              - sweeps out gas and dust
                  - possible outcomes
                             - ships that pass in the night
                                 - might stretch out galaxy
                             - strong interactions
                                        "ANTENNAE" galaxies 
                                        - merging remnants
                                        - large tails of ejected material
                                        - often an "explosion" of
                                          star formation
                             - near disruption
                                        "CARTWHEEL" galaxy
                                        - large amount of ejected gas
                                          in a ring
                                          -> called "ring" galaxies
                            - cannabalism
                                - small galaxy digested by larger one
                                - stars asimilated into larger galaxy's motion
                                - maybe how some of the really big ellipticals
                                    were built
clusters of galaxies
         - though gax are separated from each other by vast distances
           compared to their own sizes
             - they're not completely randomly distributed in space
             - i.e., the number of gax/cubic meter of space is not constant
         - on even larger scales, galaxies appear to cluster
              - groups of thousands of gax in some rich clusters
              - separation between galaxies, even in clusters, is still huge
              - BUT the empty space between clusters is even bigger
         - structure on all scales in our universe
              -- stars like to be in clusters
              -- stars and clusters like to be in galaxies
              -- galaxies like to be in clusters of galaxies
         - basically, it's gravity at work
	      -- gravity sucks
	      -- hates smooth distributions of material in space
              -- pulls stuff together whever it can

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