3 March

You're racing like a fireball
Dancing like a ghost
You're a gemini
and I don't know which one I like the most

Deep Purple, Fireball


Read: Chapter 29, sections 1-4 (pp. 468-475)
Chapter 30, sections 1-7 (pp. 482-496)

Problem Set #4 due Thursday 5pm

In Class:

    Once H-fusing runs out in the core
         Helium core + H-fusion in a shell around the core
		- since it's in a shell around the core,
		   it doesn't help support the core
		   -- core continues to shrink
		      -- heats up even more
			 - accelerates the H-shell fusion
			 - star "overheats"
		         - outward pressures no longer balanced by gravity
			   --> star expands A LOT
				 -- becomes a GIANT
			   --> even though the core is really hot, the
			       outer layers actually cool because of the 
				 -- surface temperature drops to ~3000 K
				 -- becomes RED

while the outer layers are cooling down a bit, the core is still
heating up and contracting
	- nothing to stop it (yet)      
	- eventually the core gets to 100 million K
		     (10x as hot as normal)
	    - and another energy source comes to save the day: He
He-fusion is much harder to do than H-fusion
	  He's have 2 p+'s and so repel each other more strongly than H's
	  need a lot of speed to collide He's close enough for fusion
	  --> need really high temperature -- 100 million K
	  Basically a straightforward process:

	  2He4 + 2He4 --> 4Be8

	  berylium-8 is really unstable; won't be around for long
		     need to hit it with another He soon
		     also why you need high T and density to He-fuse

	  4Be8 + 2He4 --> 6C12

	  net result: 3 He's make a C
	- got lots of He from the last fusion stage
	- doesn't get you quite as much energy as the PP process
		  - lower grade fuel; lower efficiency
		  - still, it is a major energy source
		  - and importantly, can help support the core
	- "Helium flash"
		  - stabilizes core
		  - halts collapse of core AND
		    expansion of outer layers
		  - outer layers contract
	- the star is now stable again
	      - He-fusing (instad of H-fusing)
	      - making carbon core
	      - core temp = 100 million K (instead of 10 million)
	      - plus an H-fusion shell
	      - sometimes called "Helium Main Sequence"
	- He isn't as rich a fuel as H
	      - doesn't give you as much energy per reaction
	      - star uses up its supply faster
	      - He MS = 100 million years (H MS = 10 billion years)
	- then the problem occurs all over again
	       - run out of He
	       - core can't support itself
	       - starts to shrink and heat up
	       - create He-fusing shell around core
			- so now we have
			     - carbon core: hot, shrinking, not fusing
			     - He shell fusing
			     - H shell fusing
	- star gets really unstable
	       - starts to pulsate
			- overheats from shell fusing
				    - swells up
			- overcools from swelling up
				    - fusion slows
				    - star contracts
			- overheats He and H shells
				    - too much fusion
				    - swells up
			- etc.
		- pulsations get really wild
			- pieces of the outer parts of the star
				 - literally shaken off star
				 - blown away
			- in about 100 years, all but the core has been 
				   blown off the star
			- result:
				-- really small, hot core exposed
				-- shell of outer layer star bits
				   thrown off into space
				      (terrrible name)

Planetary nebulae
        - shells of gas around central star
        - shells are heated by central star
                - glow in spectral line emission (this stuff has low density)
        - shells represent replenishment of ism
                - stars are made from junk in the ism
                - low mass stars return some of their stuff
                --> recycling

        - surface of central star is very hot (100,000 K)
                - most of it's continuous light is emitted in the 
                - no fusion to hold it up
                        - continues to contract under the force of gravity
                        - a whole solar mass might contrat to smaller than 
                                the Earth
                - what stops it from contracting to a point?
                        - electron degeneracy
                                - electrons don't like each other
                                        - same charges; repel
                                - if you push them too close together
                                        - they push back
                                        - create a pressure
                                                - not thermal pressure
                                                  (created by motions 
                                                    of particles)
                                - at high densities, matter becomes nearly
                                        - ie., pushes back _hard_
                                        - can stabilize against gravity
White dwarfs stars
                - support does not depend on temperature
                        - white dwarf just sits there
                        - slowly cooling down
                                - gets fainter and fainter
                                - eventually undetectable
                        - low mass stars die as cooling hulks of ash
Why is this the fate of only low-mass stars?
        - why doesn't this happen to bigger stars, and what happens instead?

Life as a massive star is very different
     - more massive
            - dominates the evolution
     - central temperatures have to be higher
            - to support against extra gravity
            - "big appetite"
     - that means fast H-burning on the Main Sequence
            - this is why massive MS stars are so much more luminous than
                   low mass MS stars
     - even though they have a lot more mass
            - they burn through it A LOT more quickly
            - MS lives as short as 10 MYR (instead of Sun's 10 BYR)
     - generate a substantial He core
            - goes into RED GIANT stage
                   - H shell burning
                   - He flash and He core burning
                   - makes C core
                   --> mostly the same as Low mass stars, only faster
Bigger stars make bigger carbon cores
more mass ->> more gravity --> more squishing --> more temperature
     - just as raising the temperature in a red giant got us He fusing
     - so too, raising the temperature even more gets us C fusing
          - C core shrinks and heats to a few billion K
                  - SUPERGIANTS
            - sizes as big as the orbit of Jupiter (5x earth's orbit)
            - very red, but outrageously luminous
                   - L = 1 million suns
C fusion goes very quickly and doesn't produce much energy
         - that's why it has to burn so quickly
         - makes lots of heavy elements
                 - probably the only place where heavy elements formed
                 - if the universe started as only H
                    this is the _only_ place to make heavy elements
                    - Ne, Si, Mg, 
C fusion only stays the pull of gravity for a little while
  maybe thousands of years
        - then the core starts to contract and heat up again
          - when even hotter, Ne and Si can fuse
        - process continues until you get to iron (Fe)
Fe fusion doesn't get you any energy
          - it's the world's most stable nucleus
          - adding more stuff to it only makes it less stable
                   - costs energy
                   - remember how splitting U gives you energy?
Iron is the end of the line
     - no matter how hot it gets the core, no more fusion
                - ie., no more thermal support

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