26 April

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Robert Frost, Fire and Ice


Problem Set #8 due Tuesday 27 April, 5:00 pm

Observing Lab #3 due Tuesday 27 April, 5:00pm

Note: Final Exam is on 6 May at 8am in Olin 268

In Class:

The Future           ?????
What happens next?
     when the universe was small, nuclear reactions were important
     now that the universe is large, nuclear reactions don't happen that
         much anymore
         - important universe-evolving agent must be long-range
                     - have influence over big scales
                     - since stuff is scatterred about
         - the best long-range force we know about is gravity
               - creates an attraction between all objects of 
                         mass in the universe
                         (energy, too)
               - pretty weak to start with
                        - you and I aren't pulled toward each other
                          (though you and the Earth are)
               - gets weaker with distance
                      - F goes as 1/r^2; "inverse square" 
                      - BUT it never disappears
     Its influence on the universe is the exact opposite of the Big Bang
          - Big Bang pushed everything outward; expansion
          - gravity seeks to pull everything inward
          - which will win?
                  - Big Bang was very powerful
                        - expansion was rapid and continues today
                        - but the motivating force (the "Bang") has passed
                  - gravity is wimpy in strength
                        - doesn't pull hard enough to overcome expansion
                                  i.e., gax still separate
                        - but gravity doesn't give up -- _ever_
How to figure out which will win:
	      gravity's pull depends on mass, so 
                  - how much mass is in the universe?
Consider a slingshot
        - shoot a ball straight up
                - the ball has a certain amount of energy
                      - depends on how hard you threw it
                      - you may remember K = 1/2 m v^2
                        energy = 1/2 x mass x speed^2
                - however, it costs energy for the ball to go upward
                  against the force of gravity
                          - just like pulling against a spring
                          - or a car going up hill
                - how high will the ball go?
                      - it will go upward until it runs out of energy
                           - then it will stop going up, and fall back down
                      - lots of energy --> really high
                      - not so much --> not so high
        - can you shoot a ball free of the Earth's gravity?
              - sure, if you give it enough energy            
                      - because gravity's pull is weaker the farther away 
                        you are, it takes a finite amount of energy to 
                        break free.
                        Energy required = GMm/r <--"r" is starting point
              - combine these two energy expressions to find out just 
                how fast the ball must be going to break free
                1/2mv^2 = GMm/r
                    v^2 = 2GM/r
                    v   = sqrt(2GM/r)
                        this is "just enough"; 
                             if we give the ball more energy, it breaks free
                             less, and it falls back to Earth
                          called the "escape velocity" 
				 -- we saw this before 
                          in talking about photons getting out of black holes 

Consider the universe analog
         one galaxy is trying to "break free" from its neighbor
             - if it does --> galaxies will continue to separate forever
                              universe will keep expanding forever
                              Big Bang wins

             - if it can't -> galaxies will collapse back together
                              universe will recollapse
                              gravity wins 
Let's apply the same ideas we did with the ball and the Earth

           Energy of part flying away: 1/2 mv^2
                  - but what is the speed of this galaxy?
                        Hubble Law v = Hd
                  - so Energy = 1/2 mH^2 d^2
           energy required to "break free" = GMm/d

    Equating these energies
                   1/2 m H^2 d^2 = GMm/d

                   1/2 H^2 d^3/G = M
                       - eg "critical mass" for the nearby galaxy
                         - if the galaxy has a mass greater than this,
                           our galaxy won't escape, and like the ball,
                           it will fall back toward the other gax
                         - if the galaxy has a smaller mass, gravity isn't 
                            strong enough, and our galaxy "escapes"

    We don't just want to know whether these two gax will crash back together,
       but in general , whether the whole universe will expand forever,
       or collapse back on itself
          - don't want to have to look at each galaxy pair individually
	  - instead, let's consider the density of the universe
		     in our case, if the galaxy is alone
		     density = (mass of galaxy)/(4/3 pi d^3)

          - the above equation can be rewritten,
                1/2 H^2/G  d^3 = M
and then, multiplying by 4/3 pi on both sides,

		1/2 H^2/G  4/3 pi d^3 = 4/3 pi M

put the M and the 4/3pi d^3 on the right hand side

	        1/2 H^2/G    = 4/3 pi  (M)/(4/3pi d^3)

move the extra 4/3 pi over to the left side

	       3 H^2/(8 pi G) = density

This is the "critical density" of the universe
             - concept which can apply to the whole universe
             - if the density of the universe is greater than the 
                  critical density, there's enough mass in the universe
                           and gravity will win
                  - universe will stop expanding, and collapse
                    - behave just like the ball thrown up from the Earth 
                      without enough energy
                              --> the Big Crunch
                                  - hot reverse of the Big Bang
                                  - death by fire
             - if the density of the universe is less than the critical density
                  the universe will continue to expand
                      - may slow down a bit because of gravity
                      - but won't stop expanding and won't collapse
                            - stuff will continue to get farther apart
                            - universe will continue to cool
                            - stars will eventually burn up all of the H 
                              in the universe
                              - burn out
                              --> death by ice
        Observational evidence suggests that we live in an "open" universe
                 - density is less than the critical density
                 - can't really be sure, though, because of dark matter
                   - if dark matter exists, there could be enough of it
                     to "close" the universe
                     - ie, make the density higher than the critical density

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