26 February

Don't forget who you are
You're a rock and roll star

The Byrds, So You Want to be a Rock and Roll Star


Read Chapter 26, Section 7, and all of Chapter 27 (pp. 433-449) for Monday's class

Problem Set #4 due Thursday 4 March

In Class:

nuclear reactions
        - involve only nuclei
                  - protons and neutrons
                  - electrons don't play much of a role
        - key is to get stability
              - not just any combination of p and n will work
		    - some combinations will be unstable
			   - might hold together for a little while
			   - how long an unstable arrangement will 
				 last is often called a "half-life"
				      - time required for half of the 
				        nuclei to fall apart (on average)

              - unstable combinations will "decay"
                 - types of decay
                        - fission
                           - 92U235 + n --> 55Ce140 + 40Zr94 + n + n
			    (92p,143n + n --> 55p85n+ 40p54n + n + n) 
                           - bop it with a neutron
                 - proton-neutron interchange (beta decay)
                    neutron can change to a proton
                        - 1H3 --> 2He3 + e-
                          (tritium to helium-3)
                        - for charge balance emits an e-
                                started neutral; have to end neutral
                                neutron falls apart into p+ and e-
                    proton can change to a neutron
                        - 7N13 --> 6C13 + e+
                        - for charge balance emits an e+ (positron)
                                started +; have to end +
                                proton falls apart into a neutron and positron
                    proton--> neutron process happens a lot in the Sun
                        - lots of protons around
                        - try to make nuclei with only protons
                                too many protons; 
                                too much electronic repulsion
                                - they either fall apart
                                - or they convert protons to neutrons
                                                until stable
first step in Sun-like stars 
      In the hot core 
	     T = 10-20 million K
	     size = 200,000 km (~25% of the Sun's radius)
	     mass = ~10-20% of the Sun's mass

        1H1 + 1H1 --> 1H2 + e+ + neutrino
                conversion to deuterium involves proton-->neutron conversion
                positron doesn't get far
                        hit e- and annihilates  --> lots of photon energy
                                photons are absorbed locally and HEAT THE CORE
                neutrino is a very wierd particle
                        - doesn't really interact with anything
                        - cruises right out of the Sun, right through the Earth
                        through us, through basically everything
                        - the only bit that comes straight from the solar 
                                core to us
                                - very hard to detect
                                - still can provide a window into the solar
				(you can read about it in your text)

OK, so we make deuterium, what next?

        1H2 + 1H1 --> 2He3 + energy(i.e., photon)
                no extra magic here
                just stick another proton on
                helium-3 is pretty stable
                get the energy out in the form of a photon
                        quickly absorbed by nearby stuff
                        heats the core (which is, after all what we're 
                                trying to do here)
So we can make lots of helium-3
        2He3 + 2He3 --> 2He4 + 1H1 + 1H1
                helium-4 is the "standard" helium; completely stable
                liberates two protons; can participate in the next round
Net result: take 4 protons --> make 2He4
    (actually take 6 p --> 2He4 + 2 extra protons, but the net result is above)

        4 protons weigh 4 * 1.6726 x 10^-27 kg = 6.6904 x 10^-27 kg
        2He4 weighs 6.6429 x 10^-27 kg
        - we're missing a mass of 4.75 x 10^-29 kg
                - where did this mass go?
                        - E = mc^2
                        - turned into energy
                                - mass and energy are more closely 
                                        related than you think
                                - can convert mass into energy and, 
                                        perhaps even more oddly, 
                                        can convert energy into mass
                        - can calculate the energy liberated by measuring
                                the "lost" mass
                                - E = mc^2 gives you the energy
                        - example:
                                for one PP reaction:
                                mass lost = 4.75 x 10^-29 kg
                                E = (4.75 x 10^-29 kg)(3 x 10^8 m/s)^2
                                  = 4.28 x 10^-12 kg m^2 / s^ 
                                  = 4.28 x 10^-12 Joules
                - the mass "lost" is the source of energy for the Sun
                        - conversion from 4H's to He results in mass "loss"
                        - so in some odd way, the Sun really is burning up
The pp chain is the main process occurring in the Sun

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