23 April

Reunited and it feels so good
Reunited 'cause we understood
There's one perfect fit
And, sugar, this one is it
We both are so excited 'cause we're reunited, hey, hey

Peaches and Herb, Reunited


Read Chapter 37, Section 2 (pp. 624-628)

Problem Set #8 due Tuesday 27 April, 5:00 pm

Note: Final Exam is on 6 May at 8am in Olin 268

In Class:

       CBR tells us what happened near the time of creation
        we see the highly redshifted photons from that very explosion
           the universe was remarkably uniform
               - to one part in 100,000
           but not completely so
               - COBE saw small scale variations in the CBR, and
                 revealed some large scale structure
                          - can this structure "seed" the universe to produce
                            the incredibly structured universe we see today?
        Answer: It's hard

	gravity can only act when there's inhomogeneity
		- consider particle of mass M in a big box
		- if material is evenly distributed in the box
		     - pull due to gravity is the same in every direction
		     - net pull is zero
		         - nothing moves
			 - no structure formation
		- if instead, there's one part of the box that has a
		     little more mass than the rest of the box
		     - i.e., if the density is higher than average in 
		       one place
		       - pull in that direction will be slightly greater
		       - particle will move that way
		     - how hard will the pull be?
		       - depends on how over-dense the region is
		     - strength of pull tells us how long it will take to 
		       make the universe structured.
		- These little over-dense regions are then the "seeds" for
		  galaxies and other structures in the universe

	COBE says that the early universe was really smooth
	     - very few over-dense regions
	     - the ones that did exist were only slightly over-dense
	     - indicates that formation of strucutre will take a very
			 long time.
                                - if you want to create the structure
                                  we see in the luminous mass today
                                     - it's hard in 13 Byr

Clearly, it happened -- i.e., we're here
	 so how?

        Escape routes:
               - give yourself more time
                      - smaller H --> longer Hubble time
                      - not supported by the data (so far)
               - cheat
                      - say that the universe isn't as structured as
                           it looks
                           - "dark matter" between the galaxies
                                   - we've see DM before
                                           - to explain gax rotation curves
                                           - also needed to explain the
                                             motions in clusters of gax
                                   - this time, though, we want it for 
                                      a different reason
                                        - to "fill in" the space between
                                           the galaxies
                                        - make the universe less structured 
                                          that it looks

Is this cheat justified?
   - well, maybe
           - what we know is that the luminous matter is highly
           - but what if this matter were luminous precisely because it's
                - i.e., low density matter just doesn't emit
                        or doesn't emit much
                - it would be hard to find
   - physicists are used to this "well it must be there" arguments
         - provides reasons to go out and look
         - has anyone found the DM?
               - not yet
     There's reason to believe that there's DM out there, but we're still 
     "in the dark" about what it is or even whether it's there.
     -- we'll come back to the DM question on Monday when we talk about the 
        fate of the universe
Third possibility:
      - we don't really know how structure forms in the universe
           - in particular, galaxy formation
           - hot piece of new research
Sum up:
    COBE tells us that the early universe was very smooth, with only
         very small variations for place to place
    Looking around today, we see tons of structure in the universe
    It's hard to take so little structure then and turn it into so much 
    structure now.
    --> therefore, we need to choose one of the following statements:
        - our theory for structure formation is incomplete
        - the universe has been around longer than we think
        - the universe isn't really as structured as it looks today
We've talked about what has gone on since the time of the CBR to the
present, but what about the earliest times?  
         - The CBR we see doesn't come from the first instant of the
         - actually, it probably comes form a time when the universe
was 300,000 to 1 million years old.
         -what happened before, and why can't we see it?
what goes on in the early universe
     - energy density (a.k.a. temperature) rules

     At the earliest times (i.e., in the first second or so)
        - so much energy packed into one place 
        - energy density was absurdly high
        - so high that conversions from energy to mass and back were 
             - when there's enough energy around, you can do almost anything
             - 1 proton = 1.67 x 10^-27 kg == 1.5 x 10^-7 J
             - recall that an optical photon has E = 10^-19 J
             - making a proton is equivalent to putting
               10^12 photons (a trillion) all in one tiny place
               - need a high photon (or equivalanetly energy) density
     As the universe expanded, it cooled
        - as the universe cooled, it became harder to switch between energy 
          and mass
              - once things got cool enough, the universe was basically 
              divided into mass and energy.
                      - still some conversion possible, but not the 
                        wholesale back and forth as before
        - at around 5 seconds
             T= few billion K
             - protons neutron, electrons, and a few other particles with mass
               were stable
               - however, most of the universe was still energy in the 
                          form of photons

        - at about 90 seconds (a minute and a half)
             - T = 1 billion
               - ok temperature for fusion
               - at higher temps, fusion can take place but everytime you
                 fuse two protons together they'd get blasted apart by
                 a photon.
               - once it's a little cooler, there are fewer of those 
                 high powered photons
          - the age of cosmic nucleosynthesis
                        - hot enough for fusion to take place
                          - cool enough for fusion products to be stable
                          - tricky balance
                                   - only lasts for awhile
                 - timing is important because it determined how much
                          nucleosynthesis goes on
                          - determines element abundances
                          - enough time for about 25% of the H --> He
                          - why not anything else?
                                - stability
                                        - He 2He4 is really stable 
                                             against photons
                                             - built tightly;
                                             - takes a very powerful photon 
                                               to break it apart
                                             - not too many of those around
                                        - D 1H2 is more susceptible
                                             - it's easy to make
                                             - but it's not as well-made
                                             - wimpier photons can blast
                                               it apart
                                - accessibility
                                        - easiest way to build a nucleus
                                          is by aggregation
                                             - eg crash 2 H together; get 1H2
                                             - crash another H into it
                                                  get 2He3
                                             - crash another H into it
                                                  get 2He4
                                        - problem comes in the next step
                                             - crash H into 2He4
                                             - try to make mass=5 particle
                                               - eg 2He5 or 3Li5
                                               - very unstable
                                                   -falls apart
                                             - don't get m=5 particles
                                             - therefore, don't get 
                                                m>5 particles either
                                                - chain is broken
                                        - a few heavier nuclei 
                                          can be made by other means
                                          - crash 2He4 + 1H2
                                              - make 3Li6
                                              - add H; make 3Li7
                                          - crash two 2He4's together
                                             - make 4B8
                                          - BUT collisions between two heavier
                                            nuclei are much more rare than
                                            collisions between anything and H
                                            -cuz there's so much H around
                                            - bunch of cars and few trucks
                                              on the highway
                                              - car-car collisions all the time
                                              - some car-truck collisions
                                              - truck-track collisions rare
     Once universe cools below 100 million K
          - cosmic nucleosynthesis stops
            - mostly H
            - 25% He
            - 0.01% D
            - even wimpier traces of Li, Be, B
          - how much you get of each type depends critically on
                 how long cosmic nucleosynthesis period lasted
                     - ie., 5 minutes, 10?
                 how dense the universe was at that time
                     - how many collisions took place during that time
                 how fast it cooled

----ASIDE on Observational Cosmology---------

          - can turn this problem around and look at the abundances of these
                elements today as a probe of the early universe conditions
                - astronomers try to measure light element abundances to
                  constrain theories of the Big Bang
                - problem: fusion in the cores of stars make these elements
                        - tough to figure out how much of what you see
                          comes from the cosmic nuke period and how much
                          comes from stellar processing
---End ASIDE--------------------------
Still not to the point of the CBR emission yet
      - It's still hot in the universe for another million years
            - cosmic nuking has stopped
            - but atoms have yet to form
            - too make high-pwered photons flying around
                  - try to capture an electron into an atomic orbit
                  - photon comes along and ionizes atom; frees e-
      - As a result, photons can't travel far without being absorbed
           - by a free electron (just changes speed)
           - by a temporarily captured e- in an "atom"
           - any photon can be captured
                 - no quantization of energy levels, because e- aren't
                      trapped in atoms
      - Once the universe cools enough (to about 3000 K)
            - there aren't as many high-pwered photons
            - atoms can form (or "combine")
                    - won't be destroyed by photons
            - once the e- are all confined in atoms
                   - they can't absorb just any photons
                   - now they only can absorb photons whose energies are
                     equal to the difference in atomic energy levels
                           - only magic photons
           - THEREFORE, the photons that don't have the right energy
                   are free to travel off into space
                   - they're _not_ absorbed by the atoms
                   - these photons are finally free to start their 13 BYr 
                     journey to us
The photons that make up the CBR were "released" from their surroundings
          just as the universe become atomic
          and therefore transparent to most photons.
- the CBR tells us about the universe when it was at a temperature of 3000 K
      - a time about 300,000 to 1 million years after the Big Bang

We can divide the universe into epochs, based on what the universe's
dominant consituents are at each time

Energy Epoch         first five sseconds

Particle Epoch       5-100 seconds

Nuclear Epoch        100 seconds - 1 million years

Atomic Epoch         1 million years -- now

The Future           ?????

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