22 January

The more important fundamental laws and facts of physical science have all been discovered, and these are now so firmly established that the possibility of their ever being supplanted in consequence of new discoveries is exceedingly remote... Our future discoveries must be looked for in the sixth place of decimals.

Albert Michelson, 1894


Problem Set #1 due Thursday 28 January 5pm

Check out the web site for the Chandra X-Ray Telescope facility

In Class:


	light is a wave of electromagnetic energy

	can be made by wiggling electrical charges
	    charges are everywhere, so that's not a problem

	propagates through empty space by "bootstapping" itself
	    changing electric and magnetic fields
	light is freely travelling energy

If only it were that simple.
 -- enter Albert Einstein
                -- photoelectic effect
                        -- blasting electrons off of a metal surface
                        -- need a certain amount of energy to do it
                                e- like to stay on the metal
                        -- use light to put the energy need it
                                -- certain colors of light could do it
                                        -- blue
                                -- other colors can't
                                        -- red
                                -- light intensity didn't matter
                                       -- very strange for a wave
                                        -- shouldn't have to change 
                                        -- increasing amplitude does not
                                                increase energy 
                        -- light must come in compartmentalized packets
                                whose energy is dependent on 
                        -- more intensity --> more packets, but
                                energy/packet is dependent on wavelength
                        -- back to a particle picture
   red light consists of packets of low energy
   	   delivered to matter in small bits
	   a bright light can still deliver a lot of energy
	    but it's a little bit at a time
   blue light consists of packets of high energy
	   delivered to matter in large bits
	   a faint light may have very few packets
	   but each packet still carries a lot of punch

Analogy: rain
	 red light is like a fine mist
	    each drop is tiny -- like each red photon
	    however, if the mist is thick enough (i.e., high intensity)
		     you'll still get really wet.
	 blue light is like big raindrops(like just as a Tstorm starts)
	    each drop is big -- like each blue photon
	    each drop makes a big impact -- splash!
	    a lot of water can be delivered with just a few drops

	 either way, a lot of water (ie, energy) can be delivered, 
	   even though the drop size (ie. photon energy)  
	   is very different for the two types of rain.

Weird result: E = h nu = h c / lambda
	      h= 6.626 e -34
      photon energy is quantized, and depends on wavelength
      For blue light (400 nm), each photon contains
	       6.626e-34 * 3e8 / 400e-9
	       = 5e-19 J
      want 1e-19 J? can't get it with blue light.
	   smallest bit, the photon, contains 5e-19 J.
	   you can have 10 e-19 J; that's two photons
	       you can have any multiple of this energy

So what does this mean?
   - every time blue light is absorbed by a material, it is absorbed in 
	   bits of 5e-19 J each, no less, no more

	   red photons deposit only 3e-19 J each
	       apparently, you need more than 3e-19 J to get the electron off
			   the metal.
			   --> this is why red light doesn't blast e- off.

   - this also means that you need to gather together 5e-19 J of energy if
     you want to make a blue photon.
	 can't make one with less.

        -- has some interesting implications
               -- if you have only so much energy, you can only create
                     certain photons
                     -- need to concentrate enough energy to make high
                             energy photons
                in general,
                --> high energy processes (e.g., hot processes; explosions)
                    -- produce high energy photons -- xrays, uv
                --> low energy processes (e.g., us, cold interstellar clouds)
                    -- produce low energy photons -- ir, radio
                there are exceptions to this rule, and we'll discuss those, too
              -- detecting photons of different energies is different, too
                 -- visible light photons bounce off regular mirrors
                            -- collect starlight to analyze it
                 -- but xrays blast right through
                        -- need to make "grazing incidence" mirrors
                                Chandra X-Ray telescope --> web

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