18 January

Much as I venerate the name of Newton, I am not therefore obliged to believe he was infallible. I see... with regret that he was liable to err, and that his authority has, perhaps, sometimes even retarded the progress of science.

Thomas Young (c. 1829), quoted in Mason's A History of the Sciences


Read Chapter 4 in your text

In Class:

	waves are the propagation of energy through a medium
	      medium sets the propagation speed
		     - usually has something to do with how well
		       bits of the medium are connected; communication
	periodic trains of waves can be defined by their 
		 frequency,-- number a waves to pass a given point per 
			      unit of time
			      number per sec, or /sec , or Hz
		 period,    -- time betwen adjacent crests
			      note: period = 1/frequency
		and by
		 wavelength - distance between crests of a wave

		 Note: wavelength/period = speed
		 we will more often see this as:

		 wavelength x frequency = speed

		 allows for conversion between frequency and wavelength, 
		 IF you know the wave speed
	The real wave phenomenon we're interested in is light

Actually, the idea that light is a wave phenomenon is pretty new
	   - Newton firtst showed that white light was a mixture of 
	     colored lights
	     	     - prism (everyone knew that, though <-- New age fairs)
			     - all thought that the prism changed the light
			       didn't just split it up.
		     - Newton showed that the prism could also be used to
		       make white light from the colors
			    - proved that white light really was a mixture

	  - Newton decided that light was a made of elementary colored
	    particles, which traveled through space
		    - explained a lot
				- prisms split up the particles
				- light could travel through empty space
				- light stopped or bounced off objects

	- however, Newton's corpuscular theory could not explain diffraction
	  and interference.

	      - diffraction you've seen (and heard)
			    - phenomenologically, it's the ability of waves to 
			      go around corners
			    - see it in harbors, sometimes
			      - waves, breakwater
			      - waves come in and can wrap around breakwater
			      - essentially, the opening is like a point source
				because the water is pushed up and down at the
					- NOTE: That's a wave explanation
			- this is what happens with light, too.
			  and it can't be explained by the corpuscular theory
			  - light bullets should just pass through
			    no wrapping around the edges.

If that's not bad enough, you've got interference to deal with too.
	 - make a breakwater with two breaks
	   - each creates a diffraction pattern
	   - but a bit downstream, the waves overlap
	     - start by looking at the line in the center of the pattern
		     - here, wave peaks from each opening meet at the same
		       time (cuz they travel the same distance to get here)
		     - therefore, the combined effect of the waves from both
		       openings is a really big peak.
		     - likewise valleys meet at the same time, so the combined
		       effect is really big valleys.
			      - result: big amplitude waves
					bad place to park your boat.

	- now consider one of the grey lines, offset a bit from center
	      - here, the distance from one opening is shorter than the 
		distance from the other opening, so wave peaks from both 
		openings DON'T arrive at the same time
		- instead, a wave peak from one opening arrives at the 
		  same time as a valley from the other opening.
		  - when the waves combine, result is nothing.
		  - later when a valley from one opening combined with a peak 
		    frmo the other, still nothing.
		    - result: no waves here.
		      good place to park your boat.

- If light is a wave, then places where there's constructive
  interference (big amplitude waves) are bright, and places where there
  destructive interference (zero amplitude waves) are dark.

  - again, it's really impossible to make interference happen if light is
	- what would you see behind two slits? -- two points of light.

It really wasn't until the 1820's that people confronted this evidence
that light was wavelike
   - probably partly because of Newton's stature
	      science is funny that way

The above two-slit experiment was conducted by Thomas Young in 1829
    and showed that light really needed to be a wave.

    take two slits:
	 - illuminate them
	 - should see a pattern of light and dark "fringes"
	 --> doesn't work
		     - so light isn't a wave
			  - that's what others said
		     - but Th. Young thought otherwise
			   - if the slits are too large, or too far apart
				- no interference
				- what means too large, or too far apart
				- compared to the wavelength of the wave

	- when he tried with smaller slits more closely spaced
	       - he saw the pattern of dark and light

Young discovered not only that light was a wave but that the wavelength of 
		 visible light is really small.

Furthermore, the colors of light correspond to specific wavelengths
      - the angle at which constructive interference occurs is dependent
	    on the wavelength of the light
	    - so different wavelength light will produce a wider or narrower
	      fringe pattern.
		     - Thomas Young used the fringe spacing, and the distance
		       between his slits to measure the wavelength of light
		       -- very small; less than a millionth of a meter
			  ranges from 400nm to 700 nm (nm = 10^-9)
				      blue  to red

Because the angle of constructive interference depends on wavelength,
a two-slit interference pattern of white light looks like a rainbow 
  - diffraction gratings (which probably should be called interference
    gratings) are glass with thousands of tiny lines ruled on them
	     - each pair of lines creates a tiny slit, and light from 
	       adjacent slits interferes to produce Young's pattern.

	       take a look

	light must be a wave
	      - diffraction, interference
	colors correspond to wavelengths of light
	       - really small
	       - blue = 400 nm
	       - red = 700 nm
	--> what about longer wavelengths or shorter wavelengths?
		 - what's so special about 400-700 nm?
		   - absolutely nothing (except we can't see other 
				wavelengths of light)
		   - light can have any wavelength at all
		     - long wavelength light --> radio waves -- meters in size
		     - short wavelength light --> x-ray -- atomic sizes
	- light is nothing more than a wave
		- visible light is a wave of special wavelengths that we
			  can see
	- all light waves move at the same speed
	      - radio waves, xrays, visible light
		- it's only their wavelength (and frequency, of course) 
		       that differ.

	- we'll see next time that different wavelengths of light can give
	  us different information about the universe,
	     mainly because of the different ways light is produced.

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