16 April

Tell me Doctor, where are we going this time?
Is this the fifties? Or Nineteen ninety-nine?
Please don't drive eighty-eight; I don't wanna be late again.
So take me away, I don't mind
You just better promise me I'll be back in time
I gotta be back in time

Huey Lewis and the News, Back in Time


Read Chapter 36, Sections 1-3 (pp. 602-612)

Problem Set #7 due Tuesday 20 April, 5:00 pm

Note: Final Exam is on 6 May at 8am in Olin 268

In Class:

	ugly redshift formula, due to Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity
	can't exceed the speed limit of the universe
	but that doesn't mean that redshift can't be very large
	redshifts greater than one don't imply superluminal motion

the observed large redshifts, coupled with the Hubble Law
    tells us that some of these galaxies are REALLY far away.

	  distances of 100's of Mpc
		    that is, 100's of millions or even billions of ly

looking out in space is looking back in time
        d = v/H
        time = d/c = v/(cH)
        we don't know what distant objects look like today
           we only know what they looked like a long time ago
How much does this matter? 
    - depends on what you're looking at AND how fast the objects changes
              - look at a star 100 pc away (e.g., in our galaxy)
                     - you're seeing light emitted 326 years ago
                     - does that matter?
                            - probably not
			       - we change a lot over 326 years
                               - stars don't
                               - lifetimes are in billions of years
			       - however, this does mean that if a star
				 100 pc away explodes as a supernova
				 we don't know about it for 326 years. 

              - what about a galaxy 100 Mpc away?
                     - you're seeing light emitted 326 million years ago
                     - does that matter?
                            - probably still no
                                 - most stars' lifetimes are still longer
                                   (though O and B stars you're seeing now
                                    have certainly blown up already)
                                 - galactic processes (sf cycle, spiral 
                                   arm propagation) probably are stable
                                   over these timescales 
                                   (about 1 revolution for MW)
                                 - so even though some of the stars we see
                                   now aren't there any more, there are
                                   certainly others that have taken their
                                   place, and the general structure of the
                                   galaxy hasn't changed over the 326 MYR  
This is why redshift surveys of relatively nearby galaxies 
tell us something of the structure of the current universe
    - even though over huge scales, distances are small compared to 
      the size of the universe.
      - travel time for photons is long, but not nearly as long as the
        Hubble time
        Example: some of the gax have v = 50,000 km/s
                 H = 75 km/s/Mpc
                 d = v/H = 666 Mpc
                 t = d/c = 666 x 3.09 x 10^22 m/ 3 x 10^8 m/s
                         = 6.9 x 10^16 sec = 2.2 x 10^9 yr = 2.2 Byr
                           or about 15% of the age of the universe
        - this really isn't looking back too far in time
           Ex.: the Sun had been around for 2 BYR
                or so 2.2 BYR ago.
                Earth/Moon system had formed
                all of the planets were probably much as they 
                are today
             - the big changes in the universe
                     - galaxy formation
                     - structure formation (in general)
               likely occurred at a much earlier age
             - models indicate that the universe hasn't changed a lot
                 in the last 2 BYR
>>>>Thus the redshift surveys of relatively nearby objects
show us the structure of the present-day universe
         - what the universe looks like today
    >>>>>>>> -- distance as a time-machine<<<<<<
         What if we look at more distant objects
              - we look back in time
              - can see what the universe looked like a long time ago
              - if we're lucky, we can look far enough back in time
                to see its birth
              - almost like archaeology
                       - dig down to see what happened at earlier times
                       - we look far away to see what happened at 
                         earlier times

most astronomers assume that the universe is homogeneous in space
      on really large scales
                - basically every thing that happened here also happened 
                  everywhere in the universe
		  i.e., our locations is nothing special (again!)
                --> then looking far away is the same as looking at our part 
                    of the universe long ago
this is a statement of the Cosmological Principle
     1) The universe is isotropic on really large scales
         - looks the same no matter whichh direction you look
	 - obviously, on small scales the universe is very ANisotropic
		  - e.g., on one side of the Earth, there's the sun and
		    blue sky
		    on the other ists dark and there are stars out
		    - that's ANisotropy
			     - things look different in different directions
		  --> but that's just because we happen to be close to a 
			  - if we were just at some random point in 
			    space, it would look dark and starry in all 
		  - likewise, our location in the Milky Way galaxy
		    makes our local view anisotropic
		    - look in the direction of the disk -> see lots of stars
		    - look perp --> see many fewer
	- however, if we ignore all of this local stuff
		   and look out to really large distances
		   we see more-or-less the same number of galaxies in
		   every direction
		   --> the large-scale universe IS isotropic
                         - there can be structure
                                - lots of structure in our present-day universe
                                - but the structure should look more-or-less
                                  the same in every direction.
                                Ex: block of swiss cheese
                                   - see more-or-less the same number of
                                         holes no matter which way you look

    2) We live nowhere special
	  - therefore our view of the universe is the same as the view
		      from anywehere else
                 - we saw in lab that the Hubble Law satisfies this
               - principle requires that the structure also look the
                        - e.g., the bubbly, filamentary structure
                          we see must be seen from other locations, too
	this is the part that makes it a principle, rather than a
	     theorem or observational result
		     - we know that from our vantage point, the universe
		       looks isotropic,
		       but we have NO IDEA what the universe looks like from
		       other vantage points
		 - the "we live nowhere special" statement is
	           a philosophical one
		     - we used to have the opposite opinion
			  i.e., we ARE somewhere special
		       so this is a big shift in attitude
		     - maybe because we've been burned so many times	       

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