15 February

The study of mathematics is apt to commence in disappointment.... We are told that by its aid the stars are weighed and the billions of molecules in a drop of water are counted. Yet, like the ghost of Hamlet's father, this great science eludes the efforts of our mental weapons to grasp it.

Alfred North Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics


Problem Set #3 Solutions are on the Web

Hour Exam #1 on Friday

Last Year's First Hour Exam is on the Web

Read Chapter 25, Sections 1 through 3 (pp. 399-404)

Look at the Special Web Page on The H-R Diagram

In Class:

The best summary of what we did in class today can be found in the Special Web Page on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, but here are my class notes just for completeness.

Last time, we saw that two properties of stars are often correlated:

	   broadband color and luminosity

	you all know that "color" is just a codeword for temperature
	    and that "red" means lower temp and
		     "blue" means higher temp

so we really have a correlation between surface temperature and luminosity

         So let's try to see if we can explain it
      Look at an idealized H-R diagram
              note first the log-normal scale
                   each division is ten times greater on the y-axis
                        recall that there are an enormous range of 
                        stellar luminosities
                        0.01 -- 100,000 L_o
                   x-axis is scale is "normal"
                          range in temperatures is smaller
                          3000-30000 K
              drawn in the Main Sequence
                    where most of the stars are
                    instead of a scatterplot, I've just put a line
                    showing where all the points would lie
        We want to try to understand why there is a correlation
           between TEMPERATURE and LUMINOSITY
        We actually know a relationship between TEMPERATURE and LUMINOSITY
        for stars:
        Recall the Stefan-Boltzmann law: I = sigma T^4
               intensity is the power per unit surface area emitted
               by something at a temperature T
        To get the total power, or LUMINOSITY, emitted by a star
              P (or LUMINOSITY) = I x S
        where S is the surface area of the star
              remember that for spheres, S = 4 pi R^2
          This is a nice relationship because it does just what we want
               - explains LUMINOSITY as a result of TEMPERATURE
               - higher TEMPERATURE means higher LUMINOSITY
                   good! looks like H-R diagram
               - double the TEMPERATURE and LUMINOSITY increases
                 by 2x2x2x2 = 16 times
           Let's see if it works in detail
We can put a line on the H-R diagram corresponding to this relationship
                choose a TEMPERATURE
                calculate a LUMINOSITY
                place a point on the H-R diagram corresponding to that
                        TEMPERATURE, LUMINOSITY pair
        In order to do this, we need a value for R, the radius of the star
                choose for now the radius of the Sun
                        that is, assume that all stars are 
                        the same size as the Sun
                then there is a direct relationship between the TEMPERATURE 
           and LUMINOSITY for any TEMPERATURE
                LUMINOSITY = 4 pi sigma (R_sun)^2 TEMPERATURE^4
                                   = 3.45 x 10^11  W/K^4  (TEMPERATURE)^4
                if we put in the TEMPERATURE of the Sun, 5800 K, we get
                LUMINOSITY = 3.45 x10^11 W/K^4 (5800 K)^4
                                   = 3.8 x 10^26 W
                        which is the LUMINOSITY of the Sun 
                good! At least it works for one star
                what about the rest?
If we do this calculation for a large number of TEMPERATURES, 
         we can then plot our
         model onto the H-R diagram. 
IF the model values fall in the same place on the diagram as 
         the observed data
         then our model FITS the data.
                i. e., we can have some confidence 
                in our explanation of the relationship
                between TEMPERATURE and LUMINOSITY
IF it doesn't fit, then we have not FIT the data and we can't claim to have 
                explained the relationship between TEMPERATURE and LUMINOSITY
                i. e., we have more work to do
    Let's try it
        hmm.... well, we've had some success
                    -- trend is in the right direction
                            -- higher L for higher T
                            -- lower L for lower T
                    -- but the curve definitely doesn't fit the data
        IF our hypothesis were correct, then the real star data would fall
           along our model line
                 that would mean real stares behave like our model. 
           Apparently, this is not the case.
        Are we completely wrong? Is our BB idea wacko?
                -- possibly, but still the fit seems kind of close
                        -- the line just isn't tilted enough
                -- and we think we understand how matter produces light
                        -- there aren't a lot of other choices
                -- maybe our model just isn't complete
                        -- what else to vary?
Well, let's examine our model's assumptions
      In addition to saying that stars emit like blackbodies,
      we also stipulated that all stars have the same size as the Sun.
      What if they didn't?
          What if stars had different sizes?
          How would that change our model?
          It would make R and additional variable
             Now LUMINOSITY depends on TEMPERATURE and R
        LUMINOSITY = 4 pi sigma RADIUS^2 TEMPERATURE^4
             So, for a given TEMPERATURE, if the RADIUS of the star
                 increases, the LUMINOSITY will increase
            We can create the same type of line we've already done for 
               RADIUS = 1 solar radius
            for other sized stars
               try RADIUS = 3 solar radii
               try RADIUS = 1/3 solar radius
           Now we can plot three lines:
                one for model stars of each radius
                the lines are parallel
                    they increase at the same rate with TEMPERATURE
                but displaced vertically because
                    each line represents a different RADIUS model
                it's not obvious that this helps
                     - none of the lines fits the data
                     -> CONCLUSION: stars aren't all of the same size
But wait, that's intersting
                 there's a systematic relationship between the size of
                 a star and it's TEMPERATURE
                 e.g., the RADIUS = 1 solar radius lline fits 6000 K stars fine
                 the RADIUS = 3 solar radii line fits 12000 K stars fine
                 the RADIUS = 0.33 solar radii fits 3000 K stars OK
--> hotter stars on the Main Sequence are physically bigger as well
           - that's a conclusion from the data
                    i.e., the position and slope of the Main Sequence
           - not demanded by our models
                 - we didn't specify how RADIUS changes with TEMPERATURE
        However, we have discovered from the data that there appears to
                 be a relationship between RADIUS and TEMPERATURE
                 for Main Sequence stars
        We can lay this game further and use it to look at the oddball 
           stars not on the Main Sequence
           -- not all stars are on the MS; just most of them
           -- a few others in different parts of the diagram
                -- upper right
                -- lower left
        Now we can characterized them
            -- upper right
                -- cool stars, but high L
                   -- they must have really huge sizes
                      -- GIANTS
            -- lower left
               -- hot stars, low L
                  -- they must be pretty small
                     -- WHITE DWARFS
        To make the H-R diagram, we needed to input LUMINOSITY and TEMPERATURE
           -- we get out RADIUS (or size) 
           -- we also see for for most of the stars, higher 
                 TEMPERATURE means larger RADIUS (or size)

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