15 January

Catch a wave
And you're sittin' on top of the World

Beach Boys


In Class:

	Universe is big, empty, and highly structured
	changes with time

	because it's big, it's really hard to study
		can't go out and get a piece of a star to look at
		even getting to the Sun would take awhile, not to mention the
		     fact that you'd get fried if you tried
		stars are just out of the question
		Pioneer 11 and Voyager 1 are the most distant manmade objects
			- neither has left the solar system
			  though both are further away from us than Pluto
			  At this rate, they will get to the nearest star
			     in 150,000 years

	the only way to study most of the universe is to look 
	    see the light coming from objects
		- it travels pretty fast
		- it can travel through empty space
		     and since space is empty, it can travel pretty far
		- it comes to us for free
		     - all we need to do is collect it (which IS expensive)
			   and figure out how to interpret it (which is tricky)

	Light, as we'll find out on Monday, can be described as a wave in many
	       situations. This is certainly true in terms of its propagation.

So let's try to understand what a wave is by examining more obvious cases of 

	 A wave is first and foremost a vibration
	   - it needs a medium <-- something to wiggle
	   - like a rope
	   - what happens if I put a vibration into a rope
		  - hey who knocked down that cup?
		  - wasn't me
			   - I was way over here
			   - my fingers never left my hands
			   - I did shake this part of the rope, but this
			     part stayed here -- the other part knocked down
				  the cup.
			 - So what gives? 

		- Of course I was responsible for that action
		  but I did it in a clever way
		  I didn't shoot a bullet at the cup (or throw a rock)
		  no material went from me to the cup
		  - but energy did
		    - I gave the rope a wiggle, and the wiggle, NOT the rope,
			travelled down the rope
			- the wiggle energized the part of the rope down there,
			  and that part of the rope knocked the cup over.
		- at the end of the event, no material had been 
		  transported from here to there
			      - only energy

Energy is the essence of a wave
       - waves are energy propagating along a medium
       - they typically do not involve bulk transport of material
How does it happen in a rope?
	I pull one part up; that part pulls the other part up, etc.
	       communication between adjacent parts of the rope
	       wave SPEED of wave is related to how quickly adjacent parts can
		    communicate with one another.
		    - can measure speed directly --> watch
		    - can change speed by changing the tension in the rope
			  - tighter rope --> communcation between bits faster

What about other waves? 
	   same issues appply
	   water waves
		 - no bulk motion
		 - method of propagation uses gravity
			  flows of material
			  mountain of water propagates across a pond
				   not the same material; just the energy
		 - change the speed of the wave by changing the density of 
			  the liquid
			   - thick stuff flows more slowly
	  slinky waves
		 same issues apply
		 however, we can make a different kind of wave
		 up til now, we've looked at TRANSVERSE waves
		    displacement perp. to direction of propagation
		 now look at LONGITUDINAL waves
		     -- displacement in the same direction as propagation
		     -- generally compressive
			compression; rarefaction
			same kind of idea as water wave; too much sloshing back
 			     and forth
		     -- can change the wave speed by increasing tension
			    in slinky: faster communication; faster wave SPEED
	sound waves
	      -- are longitudinal waves; involve compression of air 
		 (or whatever)
		 -- compressions and rarefactions make your eardrum move
		    back and forth. --> you hear sound
		    -- this is why loud sounds can ruin your hearing
			    whack your eardrums with high pressures
				  does damage
	     -- faster communication means faster speed
		-- examples with function generator

	So far, we've talked about pulses
	   individual wiggles on a rope, a single water wave propagating 
		      across a pond
	   most waves aren't like that
		-- ocean waves; not a single wave, but many, in periodic 
		-- guitar strings; not a single wiggle, but many
		-- sound waves; a single pulse of compressed air isn't going to
		   sound like anything
	waves are better characterized as a string of pulses

		   for sound, and many waves, the FREQUENCY of repetition
		       is very important and characterizes what you hear
			 your ear measures the FREQUENCY of the pulses
			      how many times per minute or second a compression
				  is detected.

	Measure the frequency of a wave by standing in one place and
		counting the number of complete waves that go by

			 (demo transverse wave apparatus)
			 complete wave;

	Frequency = number of waves per second
		 10 waves per second = 10 Hz
	period = length of time between waves
	       10 waves go by in a second; then each of the ten waves take
		  1/10 of a second to go by.
		  --> time between, say peaks of waves = 1/10th second
		  period = 1/frequency

		 NOTE NOTE NOTE: changing the frequency does not mean changing 
		  the SPEED of the wave. The SPEED of a wave is defined by
		  the medium, not the frequency.
		  Frequency is simply how many waves per second
		  Higher frequency means more waves per second, but not 
		  faster waves-- they're just more bunched together

	WAVELENGTH is a measure of how bunched together the waves are
		   WAVELENGTH= distance between waves
			       eg. distance between peaks, valleys,
				compressions, whatever
	measuring the wavelength of a wave is tricky
		  one way is to use the period
		  period is the time between waves
		  since all waves travel at the wave speed
		  the wavelength must be the period x speed
				remember distance = rate x time?

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