10 February

Here I am again in this mean old town
And you're so far away from me
And where are you when the sun goes down
You're so far away from me

So far away from me
So far I just can't see
So far away from me
You're so far away from me

Dire Straits, So Far Away


Problem Set #3 due Thursday 5pm

Check out the Special Web Pages on The Observer's Triangle
and The Parallax Effect

In Class:

	The Observer's Triangle:

      relationship between angle, distance, and size
        To use this with stars, 
                -- need to know two of the three quantities
                      -- distance -- we're trying to find that
                      -- height (aka size) -- we could guess that all stars
                                     are the size of the Sun
                      -- angular size (can't really measure that
                                             stars are just points)
    what about turning the triangle around?
             -- like ships do for determining their position (DIAGRAM)
                     -- loction of lighthouse at one time
                     -- location of lighthouse later on
                     -- know how far you've traveled <-- that's w
                     -- calculate distance to lighthouse, w/ObsTri
                     --> angle measurement from two vantage points

Example: ship, lighthouse
               pos'n A: lighthouse 1 degree east of N
               travel 500 yds
               pos'n B: lighthouse 1 degree west of N
         make triangle ABlighthouse
              angles at A and B are 89 degrees
              angle at lighthouse must be 2 degrees
              OBS TRI: 2/57.3 = 500 yds/R
              R = 500 yds x (57.3/2) 
                 = 14000 yds
        --> Result of angle measurement from two vantage points

             -- it should work for stars
                     -- we just need to measure their position from two
                             vantage points
                     -- Earth moves around Sun
                            -- make two measurements six months apart
                            -- difference in perspective = 2 AU = w !!
                     -- backwards ObsTri
                            -- measure the angle and we're done
                            -- it's actually the CHANGE in the position
                                of the star, due to the Earth's orbital 
                                -- the star doesn't move, our view angle does
                                -- the angle's gonna be small
                        -- how to measure the angle?
                                -- relative to horizon or zenith?
                                        -- tough measure
                                                -- timing, star rises and sets
                                                -- big angle to measure to 
                                                   very high accuaracy
                                        -- could be done, but HARD
                                -- relative to the Sun?
                                        -- Sun doesn't move
                                        -- in principle a good choice
                                        -- hard to measure Sun-star angle
                                                -- stars not visible in day
                                -- need a reference nearby in the sky
                                        -- sailors could use far away land
                                                -- if really far, change in
                                                   angle to lighthouse would be
                                                   seen by its projection onto
                                                   the background land
                                                -- land won't appear to move
                                                   because it's really far away
                                                   (make second ObsTri)
                                                -- if land is far enough away
                                                   its change in apparent 
                                                   angle is really small and
                                                   we can neglect it
                                        -- just like binocular vision
                                                -- hopping finger
                                                -- angle relative to background
                                -- how about using really far away stars?
                                        -- same principle applies
                                        -- if far enough away, the distant
                                           stars will not change position much
                                        -- if stars all at different distances
                                           they should all change position
                                           by different amounts
                                        -- ones that change a lot are close
                                        -- ones that change a little are far
                        -- in principle, it's hard to know which star has the
                                apparent motion
                                -- especially is you look at only two stars
                        -- in practice, look at a bunch
                                -- you can figure out which ones have the 
                                        biggest aparetnt motion by comparing 
                                        the ensemble
                        -- the application of this method to the stars was
                                technically challenging
                                -- angles really small
                                -- need very accurate angle measurements
                                -- had to do, even with good telescopes
                        -- known phenomenon since antiquity
                        -- understood that heliocentric model predicted it
                                -- Earth is moving
                                -- should see this effect
                         -- took until 1830's (Bessel, Struve, Henderson) 
                                for convincing measurements
                                -- Rstar/Rsun = >10^5 (even for the nearest)
                                -- really big distances ( >1pc = 3.26 ly)
                                -- compare with planets
                                        -- Rpluto/Rsun = 30 or so
                                -- surprising results
                                        -- universe must be REALLY BIG
                                        -- universe must be REALLY empty
                                        -- stars must be really bright
                                                --as bright as our Sun
                                                -- they ARE SUNS!

                        -- took until 1830's (Bessel, Struve, Henderson) 
                           for convincing measurements
                           -- Rstar/Rsun = >10^5 !!!
                           -- really big distances
                           -- compare with planets
                                   -- Rpluto/Rsun = 30 or so
                           -- surprising results
                                   -- universe must be REALLY BIG
                                   -- universe must be REALLY empty
                                   -- stars must be really bright
                                           --as bright as our Sun
                                           -- they ARE SUNS!
How do we conclude that just cuz they're far away, they're bright?
        naively, it makes sense
           -- the further away from something you are, the fainter it
           -- but how to quantify this dimming?
consider a lonely star
         -- gives off energy at a rate = L (luminosity) Watts
             watts = energy/second <-- rate at which a star produces energy
         -- energy (as photons) flows outward equally in every direction
              no preferred direction
              same amount everywhere
         -- if we put a big balloon around the star, we'd catch every photon
              -- all of the energy from the star would have to pass through 
                    the balloon somewhere

	      -- furthermore, is the balloon is spherical
		 i.e, all parts equidistant from the star
		 each piece of the balloon will receive the same power
		      - ie., if 10 watts passes through this little piece,
		        then 10 watts passes through every peice of the 
			same size anywhere on the balloon.
	     -- if that small pice is one square meter, then we can 
		talk about how many watts passes through a square meter of
		ballon, and it would be the same anywhere on the balloon

              -- the energy passing through one square meter of the balloon
                 per second
                 would then be the total luminosity 
                       (all of the energy per second)
                 divided by the total surface area of the balloon
		       (all of the square meters available)
        flux = L/(4 pi r^2)      units: W/m^2
we define this quantity as FLUX, and for us, it the quantity most closely
   related to the brightness we see for any object
   Our pupils have an area of 3 x 10^-6 m^2, and our retinas measure how
       much energy/second (or power) impinges on them.
       higher fluxes mean more power onto our retinas --> brighter

       incidentally, this is why it's good that your pupils enlarge when it
		     gets dark. bigger opening --> sensitive to lower fluxes

	also why telescopes are good. concentrate light from a really big
	opening onto your eye. --> sensitive to much lower fluxes.

For a source of constant L, FLUX drops as the 
INVERSE SQUARE of the distance from the source
                go twice as far away, source appears 
                   1/2^2 = 1/4th as bright
Example: If the Sun were located at a distance of 10 pc, 
         what flux would we see?
         L = 3.8 x 10^26 W
         R = 10 pc = 10 x 3.09 x 10^16 m = 3.09 x 10^17 m
         flux = L / (4 pi R^2) = 3.8 x 10^26/ (4 3.141 (3.09 x 10^17)^2)
              = 3.18 x 10^-10 W/m^2 
                     (compare with Solar value= 1300 W/m^2)
                     4 x 10^12 times fainter, or 31.6 magnitudes
                     learn to comprehend the MAGNITUDE SCALE

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