1 March

O sun!
Burn the great sphere thou mov'st in;
darkling stand
The varying star o' the world.

Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra IV


Read Chapter 28, pp. 451-467

Problem Set #4 due Thursday 5pm

In Class:

	PP process - the main fusion pathway in the Sun
                               for one PP reaction:
                                mass lost = 4.75 x 10^-29 kg
		4.75 x 10^-29/6.6904 x 10^-27 = 0.007
		only 0.7% of the total mass involved

                                E = (4.75 x 10^-29 kg)(3 x 10^8 m/s)^2
                                  = 4.28 x 10^-12 kg m^2 / s^ 
                                  = 4.28 x 10^-12 Joules
                - the mass "lost" is the source of energy for the Sun
                        - conversion from 4H's to He results in mass "loss"
                        - so in some odd way, the Sun really is burning up

 The Sun "gives away" 3.8 x 10^26 Joules every second
	 (luminosity = Joules/second)

	 if each reaction produces 4.28 x 10^-12 Joules, then we need
		 3.8 x 10^26 / 4.28 x 10^-12 reactions every second
		     = 8.9 x 10^37 reactions/second

	each reaction involves 6.6904 x 10^-27 kg of H, so 
		      5.9 x 10^11 kg of H are fused every second
		 in the process 0.007 x 5.9 x 10^11 kg of mass is
			transformed into energy
			   = 4 billion kg of mass per second

While the pp chain is the main process occurring in the Sun, there
are other ways to fuse H
     - alternate process -- CNO cycle
                 - use C as the  "workbench" for making He
                 - attach H one at a time
                 - two convert to n, releasing a e+
                 - last p+ causes nucleus to split, yielding 6C12 and 2He4
                        - 6C12 free to do it over again
        - net result:
              4 1H1 --> 2He4
              same as for pp chain
              same mass lost
              same energy released
    - why doesn't this process occur as much in the Sun?
          - 6C12 is highly charged (6 p+)
            - hard to get a p+ close to it
            - more repulsion
            --> need higher speeds to make a close enough collision
            --> higher speed == higher temperature
                -- Sun's not hot enough
                -- in hotter stars, this happens a  lot
These process can occur quite happily until you run out of fuel
     - though the reservoir is large, the Sun contains a finite amount of H
        and it will be used up after a long time.
During this long period, stars are really stable
       - internal pressure and gravity are well-balanced
       - stars don't swell up or shrink
       - radiate at a constant rate
                 - everything is hunky-dory
                 - This stage lasts a long time
                        - there's lots of H in a star
                 --> this is the Main Sequence
                          MS stars are H-fusing stars
			  once a star gets its act together so that it's
			       stable, it sits on the MS for 80% of its life

Then what happens?
          - problem: use up all of the H in the core
                     nothing left to burn
                     doesn't mean all of the H in the star is used up
                             - only H in the core is hot enough to fuse
                             - H in outer layers is too cool
                             - even a star "out of gas" is still mostly
                             - running out of gas means running out of 
                                           H IN THE CORE

With no energy generation in the core, 
          - there's no longer a support mechanism for the star
                    - gravity starts to win
                    - star contracts
                    - core can't produce energy via fusion, 
                       but still gets hot because it's crushed.
                           - odd: core gets hotter once H-fusion STOPS
          - there's plenty of H left outside of the core
                    - as the core heats up, it heats the region around it
                    -eventually gets hot enough for H-fusion
                        - "hydrogen shell fusion"
                - since it's in a shell around the core,
                   it doesn't help support the core
                   -- core continues to shrink
                      -- heats up even more
                         - accelerates the H-shell fusion
                         - star "overheats"
                         - outward pressures no longer balanced by gravity
                           --> outward parts of the star expand A LOT
                                 -- even though core shrinks
                                 -- becomes a GIANT
                           --> even though the core is really hot, the
                               outer layers actually cool because of the 
                                 -- surface temperature drops to ~3000 K
                                 -- becomes RED
        --> RED GIANT STAGE

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